Where is Canada in the World?

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Canada is located on the continent of North America. Positioned just above the United States of America, Canada also shares a border with the US state of Alaska.

GPS Coordinates and Borders of Canada

Canada’s GPS coordinates are comprised of both a latitude and a longitude. The latitudinal point of Canada is 56° 00' 0.00" N, which means that Canada can be found in the northern hemisphere. As such, this North American country is also situated above the equator. The longitudinal point of Canada is 96° 00' 0.00" W, meaning that Canada is located in the western hemisphere of the globe.

Canada’s Most Extreme Points in Every Direction

Canada’s northernmost point depends on whether you are looking at the mainland or taking islands into consideration instead. When taking the mainland alone into consideration, a place called Zenith Point. This is a Canadian peninsula that is very near to the North Pole. Zenith Point’s latitude is 72°00' N. Offshore of the mainland, Canada’s farthest point to the north is located in Cape Columbia. With a latitudinal coordinate of 83°06' N, this point falls on the island of Ellesmere, in the Canadian territory of Nunavut.

Canada’s has two southernmost points as well. They are… Mainland: Point Pelee with a latitude of 41°57' N Offshore: Middle Island in Lake Eerie in Ontario with a latitude of 41°41' N

The same goes for Canada’s easternmost coordinates… Mainland: Cape Saint Charles with a longitude of 55°37' W Offshore: Cape Spear of the province of Newfoundland with a longitude of 52°37' W

In the west, Canada’s most extreme point is along the border that Canada shares with Alaska. The longitudinal coordinate of Canada’s westernmost point is 141°00' W.

How Big is Canada?

Canada’s total area is a whopping 6,198,886 square miles. As a country that comprises over six million square miles within its borders, Canada is 91% land and 9% water. There are 5,646,142 square miles of land and 553,744 square miles of water in Canada. The territories and provinces of Canada comprise a total width of 3,402 miles and a total length of 2,897 miles.

The population of Canada is approximately 37,139,139 people as of 2019. The country of Canada is home to just about 0.48% of the global population. This makes Canada the thirty-eighth most populous country in the world.

Official Name
Common Name
9,984,670 km²
Bordering Countries
United States
Calling Code
60, -95
North America
Northern America

Canada is a country and is the second-largest country in the world, behind Russia. Although Canada has a large amount of land, it is one of the most sparsely populated countries in the world as a whole. Canada is made of ten different provinces and three territories spanning the area ranging from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic. The capital of Canada is Ottawa, but the most densely populated cities include Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver.

Who Ruled Canada Before Independence?

The area that is Canada today has always had a large population of indigenous people inhabiting the area before European colonization. Canada has had a longtime relationship with the United Kingdom and France. Part of Canada was discovered by the French, while the other portion was discovered by the British. Generally speaking, the French colonized areas to the Northwest, while the English settled in more Eastern areas. English settlements began in Newfoundland in about 1610 and continued for years after.

Following the formation of the United States, several British colonies around the Great Lakes area were ceded to the United States. In 1840, Canada gained more independence from the British with the Act of Union, creating the United Province of Canada. In 1867, the Canada Confederation was made official, but it wasn't until 1982 through the Canada Act that this country finally severed ties with the United Kingdom. Today, Canada continues to be a loyal and steadfast supporter of both the United Kingdom and the United States.

What Type of Government Does Canada Have?

Canada is described as having a full democracy and is routinely rated as one of the most democratic countries in the world. The people who live in Canada ultimately have full voting power and elect officials to govern and rule their country. Canada still maintains a close connection with the United Kingdom and has a representative monarchy. Although fully separate from the United Kingdom, the monarchy usually mirrors the monarch in the United Kingdom.

Further, Canada has a parliamentary system for its government. Three hundred thirty-eight members in the House of Commons help create laws and enact justice throughout the country. The complimentary Senate has 105 members who also help determine public policy and law and are limited to five years in term.

What Global Connections Does Canada Have?

Canada is long considered an upstanding, middle-power in the worldwide balance of power between countries. This country was one of the founding members of the United Nations and primarily plays the role of peacekeeper throughout the world. Canada and the United States share the most extensive unprotected border globally, illustrating their close connections to neighboring countries. Canada has been involved with several NATO-led peacekeeping missions, including sending troops to Afghanistan in 2001.

Is Canada a Country?

Canada: Continent View