Where is Japan in the World?

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As a country in Asia, Japan is positioned in the Pacific Ocean, making Japan an island country. Just east of the continent of Asia, Japan is made up of 6,852 islands in total.

GPS Coordinates of Japan

The latitude of Japan is 36.2048° N, and the country’s longitude is 138.2529° E. Japan’s GPS coordinates express the fact that Japan is located in both the northern and the eastern hemispheres. As part of the northern hemisphere, Japan is located above the equatorial plane.

Most Extreme Points in Four Cardinal Directions

In the north, Japan reaches a latitude of 45°31' N. Located on the island of Hokkaido, this particular point is found on Cape Sōya. To the south, in the opposite cardinal direction, there are three southernmost points of Japan. The variety of southernmost points is attributed to the fact that Japan is a large island and it is difficult to define an exact location of extremity.

One of the three southern points is positioned at a latitude of 30°59' N. This point is part of Cape Sata, which is part of Osumi, a peninsula of Japan’s Kyushu Island. Another southernmost point of Japan is situated at the latitudinal coordinate of 24°44' N. The island of Ishigaki lies in this particular position on a map. As part of the Yaeyama Islands, Ishigaki Island can be found in the Okinawa Prefecture of Japan. Interestingly enough, the entire island is located in just one city, called Ishigaki. The third and final very southern point of Japan is on the island of Okinotorishima. With a latitude of 20°25' W, this point is referred to an island, just for the sake of ease but it is a coral reef.

Japan’s easternmost point depends on whether you’re looking at the main island alone, or the offshore, smaller parts of Japan as well. In terms of the larger islands of Japan, the easternmost point is Hokkaido Island. Japan’s made up of four main islands and Hokkaido happens to be the second largest. The longitudinal coordinate of Hokkaido’s most eastern point is 145°49' E. Minami-Tori-Shima is home to the easternmost point of Japan’s smaller islands. With a longitude of 153°59'11” E, this coordinate points to a coral atoll located in the Pacific Ocean. Minami-Tori-Shima is part of the Ogasawara Island archipelago.

Japan’s westernmost point is just like its easternmost points. Of the main islands, the furthest point to the west is situated on the island of Kyushu. With a longitudinal coordinate of 129°43' E, Japan’s most western point of the main islands is part of the Kozakihana Cape in the country’s Nagasaki Prefecture. With smaller islands in mind, the westernmost point of Japan is on the island of Yonaguni. Located on the cape of Irizaki, this point has a longitude of 122°56'01” E.

Official Name
Common Name
377,930 km²
Calling Code
36, 138
Eastern Asia

Is Japan a country?

The answer to the question is Japan a country, is yes. Japan is a country comprised of over 6,852 islands. There are five large islands of the country known as Honshu, Hokkaido, Okinawa, Kyushu, and Shikoku. The country’s largest city is Tokyo and is Japan’s capital city, as well as one of the largest cities in the world.

The Population of Japan

Overall, Japan’s population is approximately 125 million, which is roughly one-third the population of the United States, and four times the size of the population of Canada. Tokyo alone is home to over 37 million people, which is close to the population of Canada.

The population density in Japan contributes to its heavy population density and urban living. Japan is considered eleventh in the world when it comes to the population. With this urban life, Japan has become a world leader in its own right when it comes to the economy, global trade, and innovation.

The Terrain in Japan

Although Japan is a significant urban center, approximately 80 percent of the land is mountainous. Volcanoes are common in this island world, with Mount Fuji being the highest mountain in Japan and its active volcano. Mount Fuji is 12,388 feet high and a beloved location by its people.

The terrain in Japan is fed by its frequent rainfall and mild climate. This climate and frequent precipitation produces many crops for export and daily living.

Is Japan a Country?

Japan: Continent View