Where is Sierra Leone in the World?

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Sierra Leone is a country in West Africa. Surrounded by Guinea in the north as well as the east, and Liberia in the southeast, Sierra Leone is also situated along the coast of the Atlantic Ocean.

GPS Coordinates and Nearby Countries

The GPS coordinates of Sierra Leone are 8.4606° N and 11.7799° W. The first point is the country’s latitude, which indicates that Sierra Leone is in the northern hemisphere, as well as above the equator. GPS coordinates are comprised of a latitude and a longitude, so the second coordinate is the longitude of Sierra Leone, showing that the country is situated in the western hemisphere of the globe.

Most Extreme Points of Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone has a latitude of 09°59' N at its northernmost point. This point is situated on the border that divides the land between Sierra Leone and Guinea. In the south, Sierra Leone extends as far as the Pujehun District. With a GPS coordinate of 06°56' N, the southernmost point of the country is just southeast of Sulima, a city in Sierra Leone. This point is on the border between Sierra Leone and Liberia.

In the west, Sierra Leone’s extremity is on the shared border that separates Sierra Leone and Guinea. The westernmost point of Sierra Leone has a longitude of 13°18' W, placing it in the Northern Province of the country. To the east, Sierra Leone has an extreme point in the Eastern Province. With a longitudinal coordinate of 10°17' W, the easternmost point of Sierra Leone is at a tri-point between Sierra Leone, Liberia, and Guinea.

Size of Sierra Leone: Population and Area

The total area of Sierra Leone is 27,699 square miles. About 46 square miles are made up of water, with the other 27,652 square miles are comprised of land. On the list of countries ranked by the most extensive total area, Sierra Leone is number 117 of a total of 196.

As the 103rd most populous country on earth, Sierra Leone is home to about 7,798,394 people. The population of Sierra Leone fluctuates as time progresses, but this is the most accurate estimation as of 2018. Compared to the rest of the world, Sierra Leone accounts for 0.1% of the global population.

The population density of Sierra Leone is a value of 281.5, meaning that there are roughly 282 people for every square mile of the country’s total area. Sierra Leone is the 122nd most densely populated country in the world.

Official Name
Republic of Sierra Leone
Common Name
Sierra Leone
71,740 km²
Bordering Countries
Guinea, Liberia
Calling Code
Sierra Leonean
8.5, -11.5
Western Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa

Sierra Leone: Continent View