Kansas State Bird

What Is the State Bird of Kansas?

The state bird of Kansas is the Western Meadowlark. It has been the state bird since 1937. The bird is average-sized, has bright colors, and is usually spotted with a few stripes. It is a common sight across the rolling fields of Kansas, and it tends to eat many of the insects that live in the local area. The bird will also eat a few seeds and berries to round out its diet.

Why Did Kansas Pick the Western Meadowlark as its State Bird?

Kansas is known as the Sunflower State, and sunflowers are a common sight throughout the state. Another common sight in the sunflower fields is the Western Meadowlark. As a result, when people in Kansas think about birds, they usually picture the Western Meadowlark. The children were given the task of selecting a bird for the state, and the yellow chest of the Western Meadowlark matches the beautiful yellow of the sunflowers. The Audubon Society of Kansas conducted a survey of thousands of children throughout the state, and most of the kids pointed to the Western Meadowlark as the bird they were the most familiar with. A few other birds that got votes were the Cardinal and the Bobwhite. Because the children voted on the Western Meadowlark, it was nominated as the state bird of Kansas.

When Did Kansas Pick the Western Meadowlark as its State Bird?

The campaign was conducted during the early 20th century, and the Western Meadowlark was officially nominated as the state bird in 1937. After the contest came to a close, the legislature was responsible for reviewing the results and making a final decision on which bird to pick. Then, the governor signed the bill into law, making the Western Meadowlark the official state bird of Kansas.

Of note, Kansas shares the Western Meadowlark as its state bird with a few other states, including Wyoming, North Dakota, Nebraska, Oregon, and Montana.

What Does the Western Meadowlark Look Like?

The Western Meadowlark is a frequent sight across the farms and fields of Kansas. The Western Meadowlark is known for the yellow feathers on its chest and the band of black on its back in the shape of a V. The beak is usually grey or black, and the wings have brown and tan feathers with a few patches of black and white as well.

The Western Meadowlark is between six and 10 inches tall. The wingspan usually measures between 12 and 16 inches. The Western Meadowlark is a small bird, usually weighing about three ounces.

The Western Meadowlark tends to be most active during the day. It usually sings throughout the day, and it goes under cover to sleep during the night. They usually put their nests on the ground, and they can be spotted in shrubs. They try to be as quiet and hidden as possible because the nests are still within reach of predators at night. Then, when the sun rises, they come out again.

Kansas state bird
Western meadowlark
Scientific Name
Sturnella neglecta
Year Became Official