Brisbane Flag



Brisbane's 2025 population is now estimated at 2,568,170In 1950, the population of Brisbane was 441,718Brisbane has grown by 31,720 in the last year, which represents a 1.25% annual change.These population estimates and projections come from the latest revision of the UN World Urbanization Prospects. These estimates represent the Urban agglomeration of Brisbane, which typically includes Brisbane's population in addition to adjacent suburban areas.

Total Population
31.7K 1.25%
Capital of Australia?

Brisbane Population

Brisbane Overview

Brisbane is the capital city of Queensland, Australia and is known as the third most populous city in the entire continent. The city, as well as the Brisbane River that flows through its center, was named after Major General Sir Thomas Brisbane, the former Governor of New South Wales. The river flows directly through the center of the town, providing the city with various ports for trade and other economic dealings.

Throughout its history, the town has hosted a variety of historical and cultural events, including the 1982 Commonwealth Games, the 2001 Global Games and it was even the South West Pacific headquarters for General Douglas MacArthur during World War II. Today, the city takes part in numerous international business deals and was declared a Global City in 2008.

The total population of Brisbane is 2.2 million people, making it the third largest city by population in Australia.

City Size and Population Density

With an area of less than 3000 square miles (6000 square kilometers) the town has a population density of 896.1 people per square mile (346 people per square kilometer) making it quite congested.

Brisbane Demographics

In terms of ancestry, the population is spread among numerous descents. English (39.7%), Australian (34.6%), Irish (13.2%), Scottish (11%), German (6.4%) and Chinese (4.7%).

English is the most commonly spoken language here, especially in the home, where 78% speak only English in the home.

When we examine religion among the population of Brisbane, we see Christianity (48.8%) (Catholic (21.5%), Anglican (13.3%), Uniting Church (4.6%), other Christian (3.1%), Presbyterian and Reformed (2.6%), Baptist (2.2%), Pentecostal (1.5%)), No religion (30.6%), Buddhist (2%), Islam (1.5%) and Hindu (1.5%)

Brisbane Population History

Throughout its history, Brisbane has almost always exceeded its population growth estimates. The city was founded by the Turrbal and Jagera people in Australia, however, by the 1800s, Europeans had settled in the area and claimed the land for themselves. In 1823, the Governor of New South Wales, Thomas Brisbane declared that a settlement would rise near the Brisbane River.

The town was quickly named Brisbane, and Europeans began flocking there. By the 20th Century, the city of Brisbane was broken into twenty small villages and towns. All of which were settled by different groups of people. The city hall was completed by 1930, and the Story Bridge opened a decade later in 1940, allowing people to travel to Brisbane easier.

During World War II the town experienced tremendous population growth, due to the Allied Powers taking over the town and naming it their South West Pacific Headquarters. Sympathizers with the Allied Powers moved to Brisbane to show their support. Due to a rush of population growth from both Australian citizens and Allied troops, the city went through a substantial economic growth as well.

After World War II, the city of Brisbane saw a slight slow in its population growth. They had developed a stigma for being a lousy place to live, and people began migrating out of the city. After a change in government occurred, an urban renewal program was put in place, and Brisbane was Queensland’s priority. The city received a Tram line, and businesses began booming again with a little help from the government. People once again began flocking to the town, and the population started growing at 2.2% per year.

As the 21st Century came around, the population growth came to a halt when a major flood hit the city in 2011. The flood caused significant damage to buildings, homes, and roads and caused many people to move out of the city, in fear of another flood occurring in their lifetime. Today though, the city has rebounded from the flood and continues to exceed population growth averages from all across Australia. It has become the fastest growing city in Australia, and could quickly become the fastest growing city in the world if its population growth rate stays steady.

Other Cities in Australia

2025 Pop.
Gold Coast752,5701.34%
Sunshine Coast376,1141.43%
Central Coast347,4300.94%


  1. World Population Prospects (2024 Revision) - United Nations population estimates and projections.