Phnom Penh Flag

Phnom Penh


Phnom Penh's 2025 population is now estimated at 2,425,800In 1950, the population of Phnom Penh was 364,000Phnom Penh has grown by 73,120 in the last year, which represents a 3.11% annual change.These population estimates and projections come from the latest revision of the UN World Urbanization Prospects. These estimates represent the Urban agglomeration of Phnom Penh, which typically includes Phnom Penh's population in addition to adjacent suburban areas.

Total Population
73.1K 3.11%
Capital of Cambodia?

Phnom Penh Population

Phnom Penh Overview

Phnom Penh is the capital city of Cambodia. Not only is it the capital, but it is also the largest in terms of population. This city – which was once named Krong Chaktomuk – has a population of 1,501,725 people.

City Size and Population Density

Stretched across the total area of almost 232 square kilometers, the population density is 5,700 people per square kilometer.

Phnom Penh Population Demographics

There are more males than females living in this city, with the latest counts showing that there are 792,926 women and 708,799 men in Phnom Penh.

The majority of the residents of Phnom Penh are Cambodian and account for about 90% of the city’s total population. Other ethnic groups include Kuy, Chong, Thai and Budong.

Over 90% of the city’s residents practice Buddhism.

While the official language is Khmer, English and French are also commonly spoken by many residents.

There are also a large number of inhabitants living in slums, with total counts topping 105,000 as of 2012.

Population Growth

The city’s population growth rate has maintained positive growth since 1980 after a steep population drop in 1978. Historically, the city has seen phenomenal growth throughout the years, with population increase percentages in the double digits throughout the 1980s and 1990s. Plans have been made for an expansion of the metro area to accommodate the ever-growing population, which is expected to surpass 3 million and will only continue growing.

Other Cities in Cambodia

2025 Pop.
Phnom Penh2,425,8003.11%


  1. World Population Prospects (2024 Revision) - United Nations population estimates and projections.