Nepal National Anthem

Poet Pradeep Kumar Rai, also known as Byakul Maila, wrote the Nepal National Anthem lyrics. Amber Gurung composed the music. It’s called the “Sayaun Thunga Phool Ka” or “Sayaun Thunga Phulka.”

When did it become Nepal’s anthem?

It became this country’s anthem on August 3, 2007. A ceremony honoring this song’s adaptation as Nepal’s victory theme took place at the National Planning Commission conference hall. A contest took place, and Pradeep Kumar Rai inspired the judges to choose his lyrics to represent the non-monarch system now in place.

Nepal National Anthem Meaning

The title of it means “Made of Hundreds of Flowers.” You can find its lyrics in both Nepali and in English, and other translations might also exist. Here’s the English version of the primary line:

“Praising Nepali sovereignty, unity, courage, pride, scenic beauty, progress, peace, cultural and biological diversity, and respect.”

It commemorates the overthrow of the monarch government, which controlled Nepal until 2008. Nepal and other rulers did have some ideas that appealed to the poor and disadvantaged of the country. However, the nation, unfortunately, used violent tactics while operating under the country’s Maoist communist regime.

More Nepali Monarch History

Much unrest took place before the Nepali monarchy collapsed. First, a civil war started in 1996 and didn’t end until 2006. Violence ensued, which included just about every crime against humanity imaginable. The Maoist Party wanted to coerce the government to comply with their 40-point Demands.

The socio-economic goals of the Maoist party seemed reasonable. They wanted to build and improve roads and establish a living minimum wage. In addition, they fought for property rights, guaranteed low inflation, and homes for the homeless, for instance, and they wanted to remove kingdom privileges and revise the 1950 Treaty.

However, they also murdered and captured endless people, and a week-long blockage that occurred in 2004 caused food, goods and fuel shortages, and probably starvation.

More unrest occurred in 2001. An event known as the Nepalese Royal Massacre involved Crown Prince Dipendra Bir Bikram Shah. While drunk, Prince Dipendra shot and killed his mom, dad (King Birendra and Queen Aishwarya) and seven other family members.

As of 2021, the prince’s motive for gunning down royal relatives remains unknown (but maybe resulted in the monarch abolition). Regardless of the reason for the Royal Massacre, Nepal remembers this tragic event 20 years later, and it reportedly led to the 2006 monarch collapse and the changing of the national anthem. Former Nepali National Anthem

The former Nepal national anthem established in 1962 before the monarch overthrow was called “Shriman Gambhir” or “Rastriya Gaan.” Common English title translations include "May Glory Crown You, Courageous Sovereign" or "May Glory Crown Our Illustrious Sovereign". The lyrics honored whichever king ruled within the 240-year period between 1768 and 2008.

Nepal National Anthem Lyrics