Windsor is a city located at the southern end of Canada in Ontario. It is a popular tourist destination because the city is the most southern point that one can go in Canada before reaching the United States. It is also famous for being a mecca for car enthusiasts as it works closely with the famous Detroit auto makers.
Windsor Population Demographics
With a census having been performed in 2016, the numbers for Windsor regarding demographics and population are very up to date. The population has risen since the earlier census in 2011 from 319,246 people to 329,144. That is an increase of 3.1% over the five-year span between censuses. Women make up the majority of the population with 167,840 while men are slightly behind at 161,305.
Windsor Population Age Structure
Ages range within Windsor from newborn to well over 100, but 66% of the population fall between the ages of 15 and 64. The average age is 41.2 overall with women coming in at 42.1 and men trailing once again at 40.2. It should also be noted that, for a city of its size, Windsor has a high number of centenarians. That remarkable number stands at 80. Of these, 60 are women and 20 are men.
City Size and Population Density
The population density within Windsor is quite low at 322 people per square kilometer. The city covers a surface area of 146.32 km² (56.49 sq mi) and the metropolitan area sprawls outward to a grand total of 1,022.84 km² (394.92 sq mi).
Home Life
The number of dwellings within Windsor stands at 132,910. This includes a number of different types of dwellings, including 90,965 single detached houses, 13,085 apartments, and 28,590 other dwellings of some form. The smallest number is the number of movable homes, of which falls there are 270. The average size of families living in these homes is 2.4 people and there are 91,810 families within Windsor. The types of families and households in the city are quite diverse, with 151,235 people married (including common law marriages), 78,840 people never married, 8,530 separated, 18,595 divorced, and 16,945 widowed. Widows account for 13,540, while widowers make up just 3,400 of the population.
Windsor falls in line with the rest of Canada when it comes to languages spoken within the average household. English is the primary language and 308,790 claim it as their preferred language. 9,095 people speak only French and 2,390 are fluent in both languages. 5,995 people speak neither English nor French. The language minority of the city of Windsor makes up 3.2% of the total population of 10,300 people.
The rates of unemployment throughout the world are on the minds of everyone, and are a key factor for anyone looking to move to a specific area. The current unemployment rate in Winsor is only slightly higher than the Ontario average. Ontario has a 6.1% unemployment rate and Windsor comes in at 6.2%. This is a bit higher than this time last year where the unemployment rate was 5.2%, but it should not call for much concern as the national rate is now at 6.3%.