- Country:
- Canada
- Continent:
- North America
Burnaby's 2025 population is now estimated at 278,712. In 2012, the population of Burnaby was 233,545. Burnaby has grown by 20,786 in the last year, which represents a 1.56% annual change.
Burnaby's 2025 population is now estimated at 278,712. In 2012, the population of Burnaby was 233,545. Burnaby has grown by 20,786 in the last year, which represents a 1.56% annual change.
Burnaby is a city located in British Columbia, Canada. It was designated as a city in 1992, precisely one hundred years after it was first incorporated. According to the 2016 Census, the population is 232,755. This makes Burnaby the 22nd most populous city in Canada, as well as the third most populous in British Columbia.
The city is spread out across just over 38 square miles. The population density of the city is over 6,380 people per square mile.
The total visible minority population makes up 63.6% of the total population. This includes South Asians, Chinese, Blacks, Filipinos, Latin Americans, Arabs, and other groups. Chinese people make up nearly 34% of the total population. Approximately 1.8% of the population is of an Aboriginal group.
Nearly 43% of the population is Christian. Over 41% of the population is not affiliated with a religion. Other minority religious groups include Buddhists, Muslims, Sikhs, Hindus, and Jews.
The median age of the people of Burnaby is 39.8 which is younger than the median age of British Columbia as a whole.
The city’s population has seen pretty extensive growth since the early 2000s. The population exceeded 200,000 by the year 2006 and then grew by over 10% over the next five years. The growth between the population count in 2011 and the count was taken in 2016 was over 4%. At the current rate of growth, the city is poised to reach 250,000 residents very soon.
City | 2025 Pop. ↓ | Growth |
Toronto | 6,491,290 | 0.93% |
Montreal | 4,377,310 | 0.82% |
Vancouver | 2,707,920 | 0.95% |
Calgary | 1,687,900 | 1.37% |
Edmonton | 1,588,600 | 1.34% |
Ottawa | 1,465,780 | 0.98% |
Quebec City | 858,207 | 0.84% |
Winnipeg | 857,367 | 0.96% |
Hamilton | 793,083 | 0.79% |
Kitchener | 599,702 | 1.12% |
London CA | 526,761 | 0.81% |
St Catharines-Niagara | 430,082 | 0.79% |
Halifax | 426,167 | 0.77% |
Oshawa | 418,367 | 0.96% |
Victoria | 405,432 | 0.96% |
Saskatoon | 351,903 | 1.3% |
Windsor | 346,636 | 0.76% |