Brazilian National Anthem

The Brazilian National Anthem – or Hino Nacional Brasileiro as it is known to its citizens – is unique in that it was first adopted in the 1830s but has been readopted several times as changes have been made. The current version that is used today was officially adopted on September 6, 1922.

The melody that makes up the Brazilian National Anthem was first composed in 1831 by Francisco Manuel da Silva. Prior to this, a song written by Emperor Pedro I, the Independence Anthem, was used as the national song. However, once he abdicated the crown in 1831, da Silva took the opportunity to present his song to the public. This occurred on April 13, 1831. It is believed that the song was originally composed in 1822, while others say that it was written in 1823. Still others concede that it was written in 1831, the same year it was presented to the public.

The song was given lyrics but was not at this time made the national anthem. Instead, it was known as the “April 7 Hymn” that centered on the abdication of Pedro I and Pedro II taking over the throne. The lyrics that were originally used were found to be offensive, so they were dropped by 1837. The music remained, however, and was played during public ceremonies.

New lyrics were proposed in 1841 but were also abandoned. In 1889, a competition was held to choose a new anthem. However, protests against the new anthem led to the formalized adoption of the original composition by da Silva. Even after this, the national anthem did not have official lyrics. It wasn’t until 1922 when the lyrics of Joaquim Osorio Duque Estrada were made official through a presidential decree. This same year, radio broadcasts featured the National Anthem with the new lyrics followed by the first radio address from a Brazilian president. The lyrics have remained the same ever since and are sung in the nation’s official language, Portuguese.

The Brazilian National Anthem features two stanzas. However, in some cases like sporting events, only the first stanza is played. Most renditions played at these events do not include vocals. There are several theories as to the meaning behind this anthem. Some think that it was written solely for the coronation of Pedro II. Others believe that independence and liberty are the primary themes of this national song.

Brazilian National Anthem Lyrics

First Stanza

They heard, on placid shores of the Ipiranga river,
the resounding shout of a heroic folk
And the sun of Liberty in shining beams
shone in the homeland's sky at that instant

If the pledge of this equality
we managed to conquer with strong arm
In thy bosom, O Freedom,
our chest defies death itself!

O beloved,
idolized homeland,
Hail, hail!

Brazil, an intense dream, a vivid ray
of love and hope descends to earth
If in thy beautiful, smiling and limpid sky
the image of the (Southern) Cross blazes.

Giant by thine own nature
Thou art beautiful, strong, a fearless colossus
And thy future mirrors that greatness

Adored Land

Amongst thousand others
art thou, Brazil,
O beloved homeland
Of the sons of this ground
Thou art kind mother
Beloved homeland, Brazil

Second Stanza

Eternally lying on splendid cradle
to the sound of sea and under deep sky light
Thou flashest, Brazil, crocket of America,
illuminated by the sun of New World

Than the more garish land,
thy smiling, pretty prairies have more flowers
"Our groves have more life"
"Our life" in thy bosom "more loves" (*)

O beloved,
idolized homeland,
hail, hail!

Brazil, of eternal love be a symbol
the starred labarum which thou displayst
And say the laurel-green of this pennant
"Peace in the future and glory in the past"

But if thou raisest the strong mace of justice,
thou wilt see that a son of thine flees not from battle,
nor do those who love thee fear their own death
Adored Land
Amongst thousand others
art thou, Brazil,
O beloved homeland
Of the sons of this ground
thou art kind mother
Beloved homeland, Brazil