Israeli National Anthem

What Is the National Anthem of Israel?

The national anthem of Israel is one of the oldest national anthems in the world. Israel has kept the same national anthem since the middle of the 19th century. It is called Hatikvah, and it is a Jewish poem that doubles as the national anthem of Israel. The poem is a romantic poem, which refers to the love that Jewish people have for the land of Israel. The poem also talks about how hard the Jewish population fought to reclaim their Homeland. The lyrics have been adapted from a poem that was written by Naftali Herz Imber, who was living in the Kingdom of Galicia under the rule of the Austrian Empire. The first version was composed in 1877, and it formed the foundation of the national anthem.

Where Can the National Anthem of Israel Be Heard Today?

The national anthem of Israel can be heard all over the country. For example, pieces of the Israeli National Anthem have been incorporated into music that has been written by popular artists. It is also not unusual to hear the national anthem of Israel prior to sporting events. There are even movies that have used the Israeli National Anthem. The national anthem is played in the 2005 film titled Munich, and the national anthem of Israel can also be heard in Schindler's List. Barbra Streisand even performed the national anthem in 1978 during a televised music special that she held to support Israel.

What Is the National Anthem of Israel About?

The national anthem of Israel is also one of the shortest national anthems in the world. The national anthem talks about looking for the land of Israel fondly, longing to return to it. The national anthem talks about how important it is to have hope that one day the Jewish population will return to the land of Israel, and they will be considered free. The anthem also discusses that people who love Israel should hold Israel in their core and never let go. While there have been numerous renditions and interpretations of the poem over the years, it continues to remain the foundation of the national anthem of Israel.

Why Do Some People Not Like the National Anthem of Israel?

There has been some criticism of the Israeli National Anthem throughout the years. There are some people who live in Israel who do not like the national anthem because it doesn't have any religious emphasis. Throughout the entire poem, there is no mention of God in the lyrics, which some people do not like. Furthermore, there are some people outside of Israel who do not like the national anthem either. The Middle East has been a hotbed for violence throughout the years, and a lot of people believe that the Israeli National Anthem is provoking violence by laying claim to the land even when there are other countries, including Islamic countries in the Middle East, who also lay claim to Jerusalem.

Israeli National Anthem Lyrics