Central Powers in World War I 2025

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WWI Era Name
Date of Armistice
Treaty Of
AustriaAustria-Hungary4 November 1918Austria-Hungary fragmented into several successor states, including Austria and Hungary, as a result of WWISaint-Germain
BulgariaBulgaria29 September 1918Neuilly
GermanyGermany11 November 1918Germany was required to demilitarize the Rhineland, to reduce their army to 100,000 men, and the navy to 15,000 sailors, and to pay 132 billion gold marks (US$33 billion). Tanks, submarines, and an air force were all forbidden.Versailles
HungaryAustria-Hungary4 November 1918Austria-Hungary fragmented into several successor states, including Austria and Hungary, as a result of WWITrianon
TurkeyOttoman Empire30 October 1918The Treaty of Sèvres caused resentment among the Turkish populace of the Ottoman Empire and resulted in the outbreak of the Turkish War of Independence, after which the Treaty of Lausanne was signed.Sèvres/Lausanne
  • The Central Powers, also known as the Central Empires, were one of the two main coalitions that fought in World War I (1914–1918). It consisted of Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire(Turkey), and Bulgaria; this was also known as the Quadruple Alliance
  • At the time of World War I, Austria and Hungary were a single country, Austria-Hungary, which included not only present-day Austria and Hungary, but also all or part of several other modern-day countries, including Montenegro, the Czech Republic, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Slovenia, Slovakia, Poland, and more.
  • Many of the Central Powers would go on to be part of the Axis Powers during World War II