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What Countries are in the UK?

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, which is more commonly known as the United Kingdom or the UK, is a sovereign state that is located off of the coast of Europe.

A total of four countries make up the United Kingdom. This includes the island of Great Britain, which is where England, Scotland, and Wales are located. Northern Ireland is also part of the United Kingdom.

The capital and largest city of the United Kingdom is London. London is also the capital of England. The other countries have their own capitals as well. Belfast is the capital of Northern Island, Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland, and Cardiff is the capital of Wales.

The United Kingdom is over 93,000 square miles, and it is the 78th largest country in the nation by area. Estimates from 2017 show that the population is over 66 million, making it the 22nd largest country by population. With a population density of over 700 people per square mile, it is the 50th most densely populated country in the world.

Over 87% of the people that live in the United Kingdom are white, while 7% are Asian, 3% are black, 2% are mixed race, and less than 1% are another race. Close to 60% of the UK’s population is Christian, while over one-quarter of the population does not follow a religion. The United Kingdom is a constitutional mornarchy with a parliamentary democracy. King Charles III is the current king of the UK. Charles ascended to the throne on 8 September 2022, following the death of his mother, Queen Elizabeth II, who had reigned as queen since 1952.

In the UK
United Kingdom

How many countries are in the UK?

Four countries -- England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland -- are all part of the United Kingdom.

Frequently Asked Questions
