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Constitutional Monarchy


No parties in Northwest Territories

No political parties

Self-governing territory

Countries Without Political Parties 2024

Several countries have unique government structures that either limit or entirely prohibit political parties. Here's an overview of such countries and their political systems:

  1. Bahrain: Major opposition parties are banned, but diverse political societies exist. Laws prevent former opposition members from running for parliament or holding board positions.
  2. Kuwait: Despite constitutional allowance, political parties have been illegal since 1961. Candidates for Parliament must be independent, and while Parliamentary blocs exist, political organizations can't share resources.
  1. Oman: A complete monarchy, Oman hasn't held elections since October 27, 2019. The Sultan holds comprehensive power, serving in multiple key governmental roles. In the last elections, candidates were required to be nonpartisan.
  2. Qatar: Operating as a constitutional monarchy, the hereditary emir controls all government branches and appoints the council. Municipal elections haven't occurred since 1999.
  3. Saudi Arabia: Political parties and national elections are not permitted. The government is led by an absolute monarch, with King Salman ascending the throne in 2016.
  1. United Arab Emirates (UAE): A federal constitutional monarchy with seven hereditary rulers who hold complete authority. The UAE doesn't have political parties; instead, the Federal National Council serves a consultative role.
  2. Vatican City: Governed by the Pope, who holds ultimate legislative, executive, and judicial power. The government structure is an absolute elective monarchy, including the Pope, the President of the Governate, and the Cardinal Secretary of State.
  3. Tuvalu: A constitutional parliamentary democracy without formal political parties. The legislature appoints the Prime Minister, and while the Parliament features nonpartisan candidates, informal political groups based on family ties and reputations do form.

These countries demonstrate a range of governmental models, from complete monarchies to unique elective systems, each with its approach to political party participation and elections.

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Additional Details
NiueSelf-governing territory
The territory is too small and remote to support multiple parties
AfghanistanNo political parties
The Taliban banned all political parties in Afghanistan
MicronesiaNo political parties
No political parties exist in Micronesia, though they are not banned. Political allegiances depend m...
PalauNo political parties
Palau currently has no political parties. It is a de facto non-partisan democracy since no law preve...
Falkland IslandsNo political parties
CanadaNo parties in Northwest Territories
While most of Canada acknowledges political parties, the country's Northwest Territories do not, and...
Saudi ArabiaMonarchy
Political parties are banned; candidates must be independent.
United Arab EmiratesMonarchy
Political parties are banned; candidates must be independent.
Political parties are banned; candidates must be independent.
Political parties are banned; candidates must be independent.
Political parties are banned; candidates must be independent.
Political parties are banned; candidates must be independent.
Vatican CityMonarchy
Political parties are banned; candidates must be independent.
TokelauConstitutional Monarchy
