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Inclusion of United States in Name by Country 2024

While we tend to think of the United States of America when we hear the words "United States," you might be surprised to learn that the USA isn't the only one bearing the phrase.

Inclusion of United States in Name

At this time, there are 2 countries that include the words "United States" in their official name:

  • United States of America
  • United States of Mexico/United Mexican States

These neighboring countries are both located on the North American continent and share a border along the United States of America's southern region and Mexico's northern region.

Both countries feature independent states that operate like miniature countries-within-a-country, all united under each entity's federal government.

The United States of America includes 50 states under the federal union with 48 of those residing directly inside the physical borders of the country.

Two states, Alaska and Hawaii, are noncontiguous and lie outside the United States of America's borders but are still united with the other 48 by the federal government.

The United States of Mexico includes 32 independent states (technically 31, since the capital, Mexico City, isn't considered a true state) bound and united by the Mexican federal government.

Why Do Countries Include United States in Their Names?

Including the words "United States" in a country's name is no accident. These words carry meaning and that meaning doesn't apply to every country.

For a country to bear the words "United States" in the official name, the country should feature a group of independent states that share a federal government to unite them all.

This is why many countries include the word "United" in their name, but only 2 include "United States."

Which Countries Include United in Their Names?

Many countries use the word "United" in their official names to indicate that the country as a whole operates with smaller divisions that are united and bound under one government, monarchy, or ruler.

Countries that include "United" in their names are as follows:

When you see "United" or "United States" in a country's name from now on, you'll understand what the title is telling you about the organization of the country and its divisions!

Additional Details
Current or Former Name
Formal Name
Confederation in 1790
FormerUnited States of Belgium
Official name of Brazil (1889-1937) | Official name of Brazil (1937-1967)
FormerRepublic of the United States of Brazil | United States of Brazil
Name held by Colombia (1863-1886)
FormerUnited States of Colombia
Name from 1949 to 1950
FormerUnited States of Indonesia
Independent state since 1821
CurrentUnited Mexican States
United States
Independent state since 1776
CurrentUnited States of America
Name from 1864 to April 15, 1953
FormerUnited States of Venezuela
