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Spotify Traffic






Spotify Users by Country 2024

Spotify is an app that people frequently use to listen to music. It was founded in Sweden in 2006, so it should come as no surprise that Europe is also the largest market for Spotify. For example, in 2016, Spotify had approximately 40 million annual users in Europe. By 2021, that number had grown to 121 million annual users. In comparison, North America was responsible for approximately 36 million annual Spotify users. By 2021, that number had grown to 85 million. Latin America is also responsible for a significant chunk of Spotify traffic. Approximately 78 million annual users in Latin America use Spotify. Spotify remains one of the fastest-growing mobile applications in the world.

Which Single Country Has the Most Spotify Users in the World?

The United States is responsible for the single largest Spotify market in the world. Even though North America does not have nearly as many Spotify users as Europe, the United States provides more Spotify users than any other country. For example, the United States is responsible for approximately 65 million annual Spotify users. This is a large chunk of the overall North American traffic. Because countries in Europe are significantly smaller than they are in North America, there are not as many users coming from any one country in Europe. Europe is still the largest Spotify market in the world.

How Quickly Has Spotify Grown?

Spotify has grown remarkably quickly during the past few years. For example, in 2015, Spotify had approximately 77 million users. In 2016, that number had grown to 104 million annual users. In 2017, Spotify had 138 million annual users. In 2019, Spotify had 180 million annual users. By 2019, Spotify had more than 232 million annual users. In 2020, Spotify had 299 million annual users. In 2021, more than 365 million people were using Spotify annually. These numbers go to show just how quickly the application has grown. A lot of people love the ability to listen to music at a relatively low price without having to worry about a bunch of commercials. This has been a major contributor to how quickly Spotify has grown.

Who Listens To Spotify the Most?

The breakdown of Spotify users is interesting. Women make up just over half of Spotify users; however, Spotify is also very popular among men. The biggest age demographic that uses Spotify is young adults between the ages of 25 and 34. In addition, people between the age of 18 and 24 also commonly listen to Spotify. The third-largest demographic is individuals over the age of 55, showing that Spotify has the ability to appeal to an older crowd as well. There are some people who enjoy listening to music on Spotify, while other people enjoy listening to stand-up comedy or books on tape. It will be interesting to see how Spotify expands its programming moving forward, as it might attract more middle-aged individuals.

Spotify Traffic
United States27.34%
United Kingdom4.58%

What country uses Spotify the most?

While Europe, with its 121 million annual users, is the largest market for Spotify, the US's 65 million annual users make it the individual country that uses the app the most.

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