What is the population of Easter island?
The population of Easter Island was last measured at 7,750 people. The population density is 35 residents per square kilometer. This data is from the Chilean census of 2017, as Easter Island is part of Chile. However, it is important to note that the population of Easter Island has been growing rapidly. This means that the current population is likely to be considerably more than 7,750 residents.
The main town of Easter Island is Hanga Roa. Its population was last measured at 7,322 residents. This means that roughly 95% of Easter Island’s inhabitants live in this city. As with the Island’s population, this data comes from the 2017 census and is likely outdated.
How has the population of Easter Island changed?
As previously mentioned, the population of Easter Island has increased dramatically over the last few decades. To put things into perspective, the population in 1982 was 1,936. In 2002, the population was measured at 3,791. This means that the population nearly doubled in 20 years. In 2012, Easter Island was home to 5,761 residents. In 2017, Easter Island’s population increased further to 7,750 people.
Some residents feel that the population has increased too quickly. The cost of living on the island is increasing rapidly due to the growth in population. Groceries are extremely expensive on the island. This has led many residents to sell meat, fruit, and vegetables on the gray market in order to survive.
What are the projections for the population of Easter Island?
The Easter Island population 2023 is estimated to be roughly 8,600 people. This is a significant increase over the 2017 population of 7,750 people. However, it is important to note that the population is now increasing much more slowly than it was over the last few decades. This is because Easter Island simply cannot support many new residents.
What are Easter Island’s demographics?
Easter Island has been home to a blend of native islanders and residents of the Chilean mainland for many years. Roughly 45% of the island’s residents identify as Rapa Nui, which is the name of the people indigenous to Easter Island. The rest of the island’s residents are either of European (primarily Spanish) descent or of mixed European and native Chilean Indian descent. Roughly 60% of the island’s population were born there. The rate of immigration from mainland Chile has increased in recent years.