State |
Do Not Resuscitate orders are widely recognized in America as being an advanced directive that anyone over the age of 18 can include in their medical documents, provided they are of sound mind and body. Federal law allows all patients to consult with their doctor on the preference of their medical treatment options if the situation ever proves to be dangerous or fatal. Certain DNR orders can even include palliative care and other forms related to this manner.
As such, states may have different procedures for obtaining a DNR order but must remain uniform. This is to prevent confusion across state lines, provided someone with a DNR is traveling and falls ill near a hospital outside of their state. While some obtain a DNR for religious purposes, others want to spare themselves or their family the trouble of making hard decisions when it comes to that point in their life.
All states will have a uniform law that allows medical professionals to check whether the person has a DNR or not. Due to the nature of the issue, medical professionals who cannot find a DNR or view someone in a critical condition without prior knowledge must perform their services to the best of their ability and assume that there is no DNR in place. The law is very careful in protecting medical practitioners from conducting their duties without fear of unnecessary reprisal.
One type of DNR order is the Comfort Care- Arrest Order, which is available to all citizens in every state. The patient who has this advanced directive receives all appropriate medical treatment, which includes resuscitation until there is cardiac arrest or heart failure. Once the patient has stopped breathing, the medical professional will not further try and resuscitate the person, but will only apply comfort and bereavement care.
This is a common directive that many people may choose to discuss with their doctor. The premise is that if the person can be cared for and healed, the medical professional will do so to the best of their ability. If that person has stopped breathing and will inevitably pass away, they would not want to be resuscitated due to many reasons, such as financial strain, poor quality of life, or religious reasons.
The DNR comfort care order is different from the comfort care-arrest order. In this directive, the patient has completely rejected all drugs or methods that will correct cardiovascular or heart-related issues. This type of directive is more specific, in that the person will have instructed (or lack thereof) methods of treatment much before the heart stops beating or the person stops breathing. The medical professional is usually only allowed to supply herbal or traditional remedies or pain-relieving medication. It is common to also include comfort and bereavement care in this directive. In some counties, this can be created without the need for a physician’s signature, so it is best to check with your local community.
State | DNR Law Specifics |
Alabama | The Alabama do not resuscitate (DNR or DNAR) order form allows a patient to avoid treatment should their heart or brain show no electrical activity. DNRs must be requested by the individual/patient (or by a health care proxy, surrogate, or attorney if they are incompetent) and their physician. |
Alaska | The Alaska do not resuscitate (DNR) order form is primarily used by individuals who are in the late stages of a terminal disease and do not want to be brought back to life if they die. The form may only be obtained from a licensed physician practicing in the State of Alaska. |
Arizona | Arizona law A.R.S. §36-3251 authorizes the Prehospital Medical Care Directive, which is commonly referred to as the Do Not Resuscitate or “DNR” form. As the name indicates, the DNR instructs certain medical personnel to forgo resuscitation if the patient stops breathing or if the patient’s heart stops beating. |
Arkansas | The Arkansas do not resuscitate (DNR) order form is a document used by an individual who does not wish to receive any resuscitation procedures in the event of a medical emergency. Typically, a DNR is ordered by people who are terminally ill, or who are against receiving life-prolonging treatment when close to death. |
California | The California do not resuscitate order form (DNR) is a document that, when signed by a patient and their physician, will prevent EMTs, paramedics, and other emergency personnel from performing any medical procedures on an individual if their heart stops beating or they stop breathing. |
Colorado | Colorado law recognizes the right of an individual to accept or refuse medical treatment, including cardiopulmonary resuscitation. An individual with decision-making capacity or his/her authorized agent may use a CPR Directive to exercise the right of informed refusal of cardiopulmonary resuscitation. |
Connecticut | A valid DNR order can only be written by a Connecticut licensed physician. |
Delaware | An individual/patient who does not wish to be resuscitated in the event of cardiac arrest has the right to make this decision, and for this reason, a DNR section is integrated within the DMOST form for this purpose. |
District of Columbia | A Washington DC Medical Orders for Scope of Treatment (MOST) form is a legal document that allows people to work with physicians to make critical decisions about end-of-life care and ensure that their wishes are respected even if they are no longer conscious. The district once used “Do Not Resuscitate” orders, commonly known as “DNR” forms, but the district eliminated them in favor of MOST forms in 2015. The forms contain corresponding to types of treatment—including CPR, provision of antibiotics, and medically assisted nutrition—in which the patient may select whether the treatment is desired and, if so, the degree of intervention that should be provided; if a section is left blank, medical personnel will assume that the person desires full intervention. |
Florida | A Florida do not resuscitate order form (DNR or DNRO) is a document that is used by residents of Florida who suffer from incurable or irreversible medical conditions. This form states that the requester does not wish to be resuscitated in the event of respiratory or cardiac arrest. |
Georgia | The Georgia do not resuscitate (DNR) order form is a document requested by an individual who does not wish to have any resuscitation procedures performed on them in the event of cardiac or respiratory arrest. This form is reserved for patients who have a medical condition which, upon the use of CPR or other resuscitation procedures, would result in imminent death. |
Hawaii | A Hawaii do not resuscitate (DNR) order is no longer its own form but a clause within Hawaii’s Provider Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST) Form. The POLST form allows citizens of the State to have more control over the type of treatments and medical procedures they will receive towards the end of their lives. |
Idaho | The Idaho do not resuscitate (DNR) order form has been integrated into a standardized form featuring a wider range of options concerning medical treatments and procedures for patients with terminal/serious illnesses. The POST form contains sections regarding medical interventions, artificial nutrition, and, of course, resuscitation procedures. Typically, refusing CPR and other forms of resuscitation is reserved for the terminally ill or individuals who suffer from a condition which, with the added strain of CPR, would lead to imminent death. |
Illinois | An Illinois do not resuscitate (DNR) order form can be requested by residents of Illinois who wish to avoid CPR and other resuscitative procedures in the event that their heart or breathing stops. |
Indiana | The patient’s physician must approve of a DNR, confirming the patient’s condition by signing the DNR form. Aside from the patient’s and physician’s signatures, two (2) witnesses are required to make a DNR order valid. Required to Sign – Patient, physician and two (2) witnesses. |
Iowa | The Iowa do not resuscitate (DNR) order form is a type of advance directive certified by a patient’s physician alerting all medical personnel that resuscitative procedures are not to be used in the event that the patient’s heart or breathing stops. |
Kansas | A Kansas do not resuscitate (DNR) order form is a document stating a person’s decision not to have any resuscitative procedures administered by medical personnel should their heart or breathing stop. Although a patient who requests a DNR will not be given CPR or other such procedures, they may be provided non-resuscitative comfort-related medical care. |
Kentucky | It is the full responsibility of the patient, or their authorized representative, to request a DNR order; a physician is not required to provide confirmation of their patient’s health status. Required to Sign – patient and a notary public or two (2) witnesses not related to the patient. |
Louisiana | A Louisiana Do Not Resuscitate (DNR or DNAR) order form instructs any medical professional dealing with a patient not to resuscitate them in the event that they enter cardiac arrest. This document is issued by the patient’s doctor after consulting with the patient or their authorized representative. |
Maine | The Maine do not resuscitate (DNR or DNAR) order form is a document which doctors provide to patients who do not want to be resuscitated in the event that their breathing or heartbeat stops. Once the patient has filled out the document and both they and the doctor have signed the order, it will be added to their medical record. Such an order may also be requested when a patient is admitted to a hospital. A DNR Order must be honored by all medical personnel and exempts said personnel from any litigation for not administering life-saving procedures. |
Maryland | A Maryland do not resuscitate (DNR or DNAR) order form is a document used by a patient to provide instructions not to resuscitate in the event of a cardiac or respiratory arrest. This document may be obtained from the patient’s doctor or upon entry to a hospital. |
Massachusetts | A Massachusetts do not resuscitate (DNR or DNAR) order form is a document that patients may obtain from their doctors if, for personal or health-related reasons, they do not wish to be resuscitated. This document, which may be signed on behalf of the patient by an authorized representative, parent, or legal guardian, indicates that cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) will not be used in the treatment of said patient unless the DNR order is revoked by the patient or their representative. |
Michigan | A Michigan do not resuscitate (DNR or DNAR) order form is a document issued by an individual in order to alert medical staff that, in the event of a cardiac arrest, they do not want to be resuscitated by CPR or other means. |
Minnesota | The Minnesota do not resuscitate (DNR or DNAR) order form translates the wishes outlined in an individual’s health care directive into a medical order. A DNR order specifically orders that if the subject’s heartbeat or breathing stops, CPR should not be administered. Once issued, the document will be kept in the patient’s medical record to ensure that medical personnel know how the patient wishes to be treated. The patient or their representative may revoke the DNR order at any juncture by informing their health care provider that they wish it to be revoked. |
Mississippi | A Mississippi do not resuscitate (DNR) order is used by a patient upon being admitted to any hospital in the State. This document directs the attending medical professionals to not resuscitate the patient if they have a cardiac or pulmonary arrest. The DNR order will be provided to the patient and filed in the patient’s medical record. |
Missouri | The Missouri do not resuscitate (DNR) order form is a document that a patient fills out if they do not want life-saving procedures to be implemented in the event that they have a cardiac or respiratory arrest. The DNR order form, once completed, will be placed as the first page of the patient’s medical record in order to notify medical personnel of the patient’s wishes. |
Montana | The Montana do not resuscitate (DNR) order has been replaced by the Provider Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST). A DNR order is a document that is inserted into a patient’s file declaring that said patient wishes that no cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is applied if they stop breathing or their heart stops. These orders are usually requested by individuals who are already in critical condition or who are incurable. The DNR order is found in Section A of the POLST document, which provides several other end-of-life and critical treatment options. |
Nebraska | A Nebraska do not resuscitate (DNR) order form is placed into a patient’s medical record when the patient does not wish to be resuscitated in the event of a cardiac or respiratory arrest. Such orders must be filled out by the patient and signed by at least one (1) witness and a licensed physician. |
Nevada | A Nevada do not resuscitate (DNR) order form is a document that instructs medical personnel not to administer cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) to the patient if their heartbeat and/or breathing stops. To issue a DNR order, the subject, or their authorized health agent, must obtain, fill out, and sign a DNR Application Form from their physician, who must also sign. |
New Hampshire | The New Hampshire do not resuscitate (DNR or DNAR) order form is a document used by a patient to record their wishes regarding resuscitation in the event of cardiac or respiratory arrest. This document will be printed on pink paper and put in their medical record. A DNR order is often issued to people who are at risk to enter into a vegetative state if they receive CPR or who are already in a coma. |
New Jersey | A New Jersey do not resuscitate (DNR or DNAR) order form is issued by a physician by the request of a patient who is in their care. If the patient is unable to communicate or to understand the repercussions of a DNR order, a person authorized to make healthcare decisions on their behalf is permitted to sign their DNR order. |
New Mexico | A New Mexico do not resuscitate (DNR or DNAR) order form is issued by a physician on behalf of an adult resident (18 years of age or older) after they have properly explained its significance to the patient. One (1) signed copy of a DNR order should be kept by the patient and another copy kept by the physician, filed in the patient’s medical record. If the patient would like a DNR bracelet, they will need a third copy of their DNR order and to enroll in MedicAlert with their physician’s assistance. At any point, the order may be revoked by the patient or an authorized representative’s verbal command, or by being physically destroyed. If a DNR order is revoked, the patient’s physician should be informed immediately. |
New York | The New York Medical Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment (MOLST) helps to specify a patient’s wishes regarding life-sustaining treatments and is often used by those who are in the critical stages of an illness or old age. If a MOLST is indicated in the patient’s medical record, they will not be given cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) in the event of a cardiac/respiratory arrest. This form details multiple aspects of end-of-life care and is recognized by all healthcare professionals in the State. |
North Carolina | The North Carolina do not resuscitate (DNR or DNAR) order form serves residents who wish to order medical personnel not to administer CPR on them if they have a cardiac or respiratory arrest. In accordance with the Right to Die a Natural Death Act (Article 23), a declaration to disallow the use of CPR or other life-prolonging measures can be made by anyone who suffers from an irreversible condition, or who becomes permanently unconscious or suffers from a substantial loss of cognitive ability. This type of declaration, or advanced directive, must be signed in the presence of two (2) witnesses and notarized. |
North Dakota | A North Dakota do not resuscitate (DNR) order form is used to inform medical personnel that a patient does not wish to receive cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). This type of order is often requested by patients suffering from end-stage medical conditions that, at the time their breathing or heart stops, would rather die naturally than have their life restored through invasive and painful resuscitation methods. A DNR order can be obtained from the patient’s doctor or other authorized health care providers. |
Ohio | An Ohio Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) Order Form tells emergency medical service providers and other health care professionals that a patient does not wish to receive cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) in the event of cardiac or respiratory arrest. A patient with a DNR order in place will receive general care to alleviate pain such as oxygen and pain medication, though no life-saving or life-prolonging treatments will be administered. The DNR order may be executed by the patient, by an authorized representative acting on the patient’s behalf, *or under the conditions of the patient’s living will. Two (2) physicians, physician assistants or advanced practice nurses must certify the individual as being in a permanently unconscious state, terminally ill, or both. |
Oklahoma | The Oklahoma do not resuscitate (DNR) order form specifies a person’s choice to reject cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) in the event of cardiac or respiratory arrest. A patient who voluntarily executes a DNR form, or who has an authorized representative complete the document on their behalf, will not be resuscitated by health care providers but will instead be allowed a natural death. The DNR order is valid immediately after it is signed by the patient and two (2) witnesses who are eighteen (18) years of age or older and who are not named in the patient’s will. |
Oregon | An Oregon do not resuscitate (DNR) order form is used to notify medical staff that a patient does not wish to receive cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) when experiencing a medical emergency in which no pulse or breathing is reported. Without a DNR order in place, health care providers will have the responsibility of performing CPR in an attempt to save the patient’s life. The DNR order can be requested from the patient’s doctor or from another authorized individual. The order shall be signed by the patient and the authorized medical professional. |
Pennsylvania | A Pennsylvania do not resuscitate (DNR) order form provides an individual with the ability to avoid life-saving treatments in the event that they experience cardiac or respiratory arrest. The DNR is valid once signed by the patient (or authorized representative) and the patient’s physician. Subsequently, if EMS providers attend to the patient and view the DNR, or if they see the patient’s DNR necklace or bracelet, CPR will not be attempted and the patient will die naturally. A doctor or other medical professional will be able to provide the official document, though a sample DNR form is available below. |
Rhode Island | A Rhode Island medical order for life-sustaining treatment (MOLST) alerts health care professionals that a patient does not wish to be brought back to life through the administration of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). This type of medical order will only be effective during an emergency where the patient’s heart or breathing stops. The attending health care professional must view the MOLST order immediately or resuscitative measures will be performed. |
South Carolina | The South Carolina do not resuscitate (DNR) order form is a notice informing emergency medical service providers that no resuscitative measures shall be administered to a patient in the event they experience cardiopulmonary arrest. A DNR order may be requested by the patient or from a representative authorized to make medical decisions on their behalf (i.e., surrogate or agent). Furthermore, the order may only be executed if a physician has determined that the patient suffers from a terminal condition. |
South Dakota | The South Dakota do not resuscitate (DNR) order form instructs emergency medical personnel to withhold the administration of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) to a patient whose heart or breathing has stopped. This type of medical order is often requested by individuals who would prefer to die naturally and avoid the suffering of resuscitative treatments. The DNR form or bracelet must be present at the time of an emergency or else the attending medical staff will be required to resuscitate the individual. Therefore, the DNR order/bracelet should be kept close to the individual and made easily accessible. |
Tennessee | The Tennessee do not resuscitate (DNR) order form informs emergency medical service providers that no cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) should be initiated on a patient. An applicant for a Tennessee DNR order must be diagnosed with a terminally ill condition in order for the attending physician to execute the form. Once the form is effective, the patient will not be resuscitated in the event of a medical emergency where their breathing or heart ceases to function. |
Texas | A Texas do not resuscitate (DNR) order form can be used by a patient to willfully decline life-saving treatments when their heart or lungs cease to function. The order informs emergency medical personnel that the individual does not wish to receive cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), defibrillation, artificial ventilation, transcutaneous cardiac pacing, and advanced airway management. Medical staff attending to a patient during an emergency must view the DNR order or else resuscitative treatments will be applied. Two (2) competent adults must witness the signatures provided by the patient or their authorized representative. If the patient or representative is incapable of signing, the witnesses must witness the nonwritten communication made to the attending physician. Optionally, a notary public may be present when the document is executed. 2023’s Texas HB3162 would have a given more clarification to the patients’ DNR orders, but it died in committee. |
Utah | A Utah do not resuscitate (DNR) order form tells emergency medical personnel not to attempt cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) on a patient who is experiencing cardiac or respiratory failure. The patient can verbally request a DNR order from their physician, or they can make a written request in their advance directive or living wil. A more comprehensive version of a DNR form has recently been implemented in Utah. This document, known as the “POLST” form (Provider Order for Life-Sustaining Treatment), informs emergency medical service providers of the patient’s desired resuscitative treatments, as well as medical interventions to be applied when the patient maintains a pulse and/or can still breathe. |
Vermont | The Vermont do not resuscitate (DNR) order form details the end-of-life resuscitative treatments which should be applied to a patient when they experience respiratory or cardiac arrest. The DNR order instructs emergency health care providers to withhold the administration of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) as desired by the patient or their legal representative. Furthermore, the form may be used to define the medical interventions necessary to maintain the patient’s health and comfort when they can still breathe or when their heart is still beating (e.g., feeding tube, fluids, antibiotics). The patient’s clinician must be consulted when preparing the document. |
Virginia | The Virginia do not resuscitate (DNR) order form is a statement that lets emergency service personnel know that a patient does not want to receive life-saving treatment during a respiratory or cardiac arrest. Life-saving treatments include cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), endotracheal intubation, cardiac compression, and certain airway management procedures. The order must be issued to the patient by a licensed physician who has established a relationship with the individual. Once the form is signed by both the physician and the patient (or their authorized representative), the DNR order will be effective and the individual will be exempt from resuscitation by any medical professional. |
Washington | The Washington physician orders for life-sustaining treatment (POST) provides medical professionals with instructions not to apply life-saving treatments to an individual experiencing cardiac or respiratory arrest. A patient with a POST order will not receive cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), though standard therapeutic procedures will still be administered. It will be necessary for the order to be signed by both the attending health care professional and the patient (or their authorized representative) before the document will be valid. Once signed, the document should be kept close to the patient and made easily accessible to the emergency medical staff. |
West Virginia | The West Virginia do not resuscitate (DNR) order form is a written directive stating that a person does not wish to receive cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) when they die. This type of medical order is often requested by terminally ill patients whose health would not benefit from resuscitative treatments. A patient may request a DNR from their physician unless they lack the mental capacity to do so. In these instances, the patient’s legal representative (if any) may act on their behalf. |
Wisconsin | The Wisconsin do not resuscitate (DNR) order form is used to notify emergency medical personnel that an individual should not receive life-saving treatments to restore their circulation or breathing. A patient who qualifies for a DNR order must have a terminal medical condition that would not benefit from resuscitation as determined by a licensed physician. If the patient is approved for a DNR order, the physician must complete the document below and request an identifying DNR bracelet; emergency personnel will not honor the DNR order unless a DNR bracelet accompanies the patient. |
Wyoming | The Wyoming do not resuscitate (DNR) order form is a legal document that instructs medical service providers to withhold the application of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) on a patient who is not breathing or has no heartbeat. An individual may voluntarily request a DNR order from their doctor, or if they cannot make medical decisions on their own, a legal representative may ask for the form on their behalf. Medical staff who view the DNR order must honor the patient’s instructions and allow them to die naturally. |