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Kiwi Production by State 2024

Kiwi Production by State 2024

Kiwi production in the United States is primarily centered around California, where favorable climatic conditions and agricultural expertise contribute to the cultivation of this exotic fruit. California's mild winters and warm, dry summers create an ideal environment for kiwi vines to thrive, particularly in regions like the Central Valley and coastal areas.

California stands out as the leading producer of kiwifruit in the nation, with its output significantly contributing to the state's agricultural sector. The state's abundant sunshine and fertile soils support the growth of high-quality kiwifruit, known for their sweetness and vibrant green flesh. California's kiwi industry not only satisfies domestic demand but also plays a role in international trade, with California-grown kiwifruit exported to markets worldwide.

Kiwi Production by State 2024

Kiwi Production 2022 (tons)