- Country:
- Brazil
- Continent:
- South America
Parnaiba's 2025 population is now estimated at 157,525. In 2010, the population of Parnaiba was 145,705. Parnaiba has grown by 4,043 in the last year, which represents a 0.52% annual change.
Parnaiba's 2025 population is now estimated at 157,525. In 2010, the population of Parnaiba was 145,705. Parnaiba has grown by 4,043 in the last year, which represents a 0.52% annual change.
City | 2025 Pop. ↓ | Growth |
Sao Paulo | 22,990,000 | 0.8% |
Rio de Janeiro | 13,923,200 | 0.72% |
Belo Horizonte | 6,351,680 | 0.81% |
Brasilia | 4,990,930 | 1.13% |
Recife | 4,344,050 | 0.9% |
Fortaleza | 4,284,450 | 0.9% |
Porto Alegre | 4,268,960 | 0.69% |
Salvador | 4,029,910 | 0.87% |
Curitiba | 3,889,140 | 0.95% |
Campinas | 3,491,580 | 0.96% |
Goiania | 2,927,080 | 1.27% |
Belem | 2,453,800 | 0.89% |
Manaus | 2,434,640 | 1.15% |
Grande Vitoria | 2,220,560 | 1.08% |
Baixada Santista | 1,981,790 | 0.85% |
Natal | 1,575,050 | 1.2% |
Grande Sao Luis | 1,548,210 | 0.79% |
Joao Pessoa | 1,447,780 | 0.88% |
Maceio | 1,387,920 | 0.87% |
Joinville | 1,374,630 | 0.93% |