Sao Jose
- Country:
- Brazil
- Continent:
- South America
Sao Jose's 2025 population is now estimated at 273,196. In 2010, the population of Sao Jose was 209,804. Sao Jose has grown by 23,015 in the last year, which represents a 1.78% annual change.
Sao Jose's 2025 population is now estimated at 273,196. In 2010, the population of Sao Jose was 209,804. Sao Jose has grown by 23,015 in the last year, which represents a 1.78% annual change.
City | 2025 Pop. ↓ | Growth |
Sao Paulo | 22,990,000 | 0.8% |
Rio de Janeiro | 13,923,200 | 0.72% |
Belo Horizonte | 6,351,680 | 0.81% |
Brasilia | 4,990,930 | 1.13% |
Recife | 4,344,050 | 0.9% |
Fortaleza | 4,284,450 | 0.9% |
Porto Alegre | 4,268,960 | 0.69% |
Salvador | 4,029,910 | 0.87% |
Curitiba | 3,889,140 | 0.95% |
Campinas | 3,491,580 | 0.96% |
Goiania | 2,927,080 | 1.27% |
Belem | 2,453,800 | 0.89% |
Manaus | 2,434,640 | 1.15% |
Grande Vitoria | 2,220,560 | 1.08% |
Baixada Santista | 1,981,790 | 0.85% |
Natal | 1,575,050 | 1.2% |
Grande Sao Luis | 1,548,210 | 0.79% |
Joao Pessoa | 1,447,780 | 0.88% |
Maceio | 1,387,920 | 0.87% |
Joinville | 1,374,630 | 0.93% |