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North America

Regina's 2025 population is now estimated at 256,995In 2012, the population of Regina was 205,643Regina has grown by 18,492 in the last year, which represents a 1.5% annual change.

Total Population
18.5K 1.5%
Capital of Canada?

Regina Population

Regina Overview

Regina is the capital of Saskatchewan, Canada and the second-largest city in the province after Saskatoon. Regina was recently named one of the best mid-sized Canadian cities in which to live. In 2015, Regina had an estimated population of 193,000, which made it the 24th largest city in Canada.

City Size and Population Density

Regina’s city proper has an estimated population of 236,481 as of the 2016 Canadian Census with a population density of 1,327 people per square kilometer (3,438 per square mile). The larger metropolitan area has a population of 233,000, which is the 18th largest in Canada.

Regina Demographics

Regina has the 7th highest population of Aboriginal people in Canada at 8.3% of the city’s population. Among the Aboriginals, most are First Nations (9,200) or Metis (6,000).

94% of people in Regina are Canadian citizens while 5.5% are recent immigrants. The racial composition of the city is 79% White, 9.9% Aboriginal (5.8% First Nations, 3.9% Metis), 3.5% Southeast Asian, 2.6% South Asian, 2.2% East Asian, 1.6% Black, 0.7% Latin American, and 0.6% Arab and West Asian.

Just over 27% of Reginans have no religious affiliation. For those who are religiously affiliated, 68% are Christian, 2% are Muslim, and less than 1% are Hindu, Sikh, Jewish, or Aboriginal Spirituality. The most common Christian denominations are Protestant at 41.5% of the total population, Roman Catholic at 32%, and Eastern Orthodox at 1.8%.

Regina has one of the highest crime rates in Canada and one of Canada’s highest rates of IV drug use.

Regina History

Regina was established in 1882 by Lieutenant-Governor Edgar Dewdney for the territorial seat of government. Regina first achieved prominence during the North-West Rebellion of 1885 when troops were able to move by train from eastern Canada to the Qu’Appelle Station before moving into the battlefield in the Northwest. The small community gained national attention when Louis Riel, the leader of the rebellion, was tried and hanged in the town.

Regina was incorporated in 1903 and made the capital of Saskatchewan in 1905. The city was the site of the Regina Cyclone in 1912. This was Canada’s deadliest tornado and killed 28 people while destroying a great deal of the town. After the Great Depression, the city’s population began to grow quickly. In 1929, Sasatchewan was viewed as the third province of the country in terms of its economy and population. The city then gained notoriety in 1935 for the Regina Riot.

Regina Population Growth

Regina’s population grew about 7.7% between 2006 and 2007. In 2014, a study by Statistics Canada found that Saskatoon and Regina were leading the nation in terms of population growth. The city had a 3% population growth rate from 2012 to 2013, which made it the 4th fastest-growing city in Canada.

Immigrants accounted for 65% of the growth, followed by natural growth and provincial migration.

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