Florence's 2024 population is now estimated at 712,176. In 1950, the population of Florence was 564,582. Florence has grown by 1,232 in the last year, which represents a 0.17% annual change.These population estimates and projections come from the latest revision of the UN World Urbanization Prospects. These estimates represent the Urban agglomeration of Florence, which typically includes Florence's population in addition to adjacent suburban areas.
Italy is undoubtedly one of the most visited countries in the world, but the different regions of the country are vastly different from one another. Although Venice remains on the bucket lists of travelers all over the world, it is the Tuscany region that is most prized among those that have traveled to Italy.
Florence is the capital of the region and remains a growing part of the country.
The city of Florence consumes a total surface area of approximately 102.4 square kilometers (about 39.5 square miles). Considering the 2016 population of 383,083 individuals, the population density comes to about 3,700 individuals residing per square kilometer (9,700 per square mile).
Florence is a city that people love to visit to soak up the classic Italian lifestyle, but it is also home to a resident population that increases in number each year. The current population is 382,808 people with 53% of the population female and 47% male.
The current growth rate for Florence is 3.22% with the standard Italian growth rate at 3.56%.
The families within Florence, as of the last official survey in 2007, totaled 188,948. They resided in 171,361 homes. The ages of families and all residents of Florence fall primarily between 15 and 65, making up 59.95% of the population. Those that fall below the age of 15 make up 14.10%, and pensioners above the age of 65 make up 25.95%. The average age of an Italian resident is 49, but residents of Florence have a substantially lower average age at only 42 years old.
It is indeed no surprise that the majority of Florence is made up of native Italians. 90.45% of the population is of Italian descent, but what is surprising is the growing number of immigrants coming into the city. Although it is a relatively small number, 1.82% of the population is Chinese. Those that are from surrounding European countries, primarily from Romania and Armenia, make up 3.52%. East Asians make up 2.17% and Americans 1.4%. The smallest numbers come from North African residents who represent .9% of the total population of Florence.
Florence has the same educational system as the rest of Italy and has a literacy rating of 98.8%. Children in Florence start school at the age of six and have compulsory education for an average of nine years. Today, most students have the opportunity to attend a preschool for up to three years before starting their standard training. Most of the students attend public schools, but 8.52% of the population go to some form of private school. Adults continue their education for an average of 7.2 years following their standard school careers.
The city of Florence is quite a religious place. Although 12% of the population does not consider themselves to have a religion, most of the population does associate with one form of worship. Of those that practice a religion, the majority are Muslims at 21%. Roman Catholics are a close second at 17%, and the remaining religions in Florence are Hindus at 13%, Protestants at 12%, Buddhists at 6%, Anglicans at 1%, Sikhs at .35%, Jews at .23%, and Baha'is at .12%. Atheists make up 2% of the population.
86 Rows
Year | Population |
2035 | 732,181 |
2034 | 730,366 |
2033 | 728,514 |
2032 | 726,629 |
2031 | 724,715 |
2030 | 722,780 |
2029 | 720,833 |
2028 | 718,899 |
2027 | 717,018 |
2026 | 715,242 |
2025 | 713,615 |
2024 | 712,176 |
2023 | 710,944 |
2022 | 709,915 |
2021 | 709,064 |
2020 | 708,357 |
2019 | 707,728 |
2018 | 707,144 |
2017 | 705,312 |
2016 | 703,484 |
2015 | 701,661 |
2014 | 699,843 |
2013 | 698,030 |
2012 | 696,221 |
2011 | 694,417 |
2010 | 692,620 |
2009 | 690,828 |
2008 | 689,043 |
2007 | 687,258 |
2006 | 685,480 |
2005 | 683,706 |
2004 | 681,940 |
2003 | 680,173 |
2002 | 678,413 |
2001 | 678,544 |
2000 | 682,948 |
1999 | 687,392 |
1998 | 691,860 |
1997 | 696,357 |
1996 | 700,876 |
1995 | 705,438 |
1994 | 710,023 |
1993 | 714,637 |
1992 | 719,276 |
1991 | 723,500 |
1990 | 726,692 |
1989 | 729,898 |
1988 | 733,113 |
1987 | 736,352 |
1986 | 739,600 |
1985 | 742,863 |
1984 | 746,136 |
1983 | 749,432 |
1982 | 752,738 |
1981 | 754,327 |
1980 | 752,208 |
1979 | 750,090 |
1978 | 747,981 |
1977 | 745,878 |
1976 | 743,784 |
1975 | 741,689 |
1974 | 739,604 |
1973 | 737,524 |
1972 | 735,453 |
1971 | 730,889 |
1970 | 720,999 |
1969 | 711,243 |
1968 | 701,632 |
1967 | 692,125 |
1966 | 682,759 |
1965 | 673,520 |
1964 | 664,419 |
1963 | 655,416 |
1962 | 646,547 |
1961 | 638,138 |
1960 | 630,669 |
1959 | 623,267 |
1958 | 615,962 |
1957 | 608,742 |
1956 | 601,617 |
1955 | 594,556 |
1954 | 587,588 |
1953 | 580,701 |
1952 | 573,904 |
1951 | 568,220 |
1950 | 564,582 |
Year | Population | Change | Growth |
1950 | 564,582 | 0% | 0 |
1951 | 568,220 | 0.64% | 3,638 |
1952 | 573,904 | 1% | 5,684 |
1953 | 580,701 | 1.18% | 6,797 |
1954 | 587,588 | 1.19% | 6,887 |
1955 | 594,556 | 1.19% | 6,968 |
1956 | 601,617 | 1.19% | 7,061 |
1957 | 608,742 | 1.18% | 7,125 |
1958 | 615,962 | 1.19% | 7,220 |
1959 | 623,267 | 1.19% | 7,305 |
1960 | 630,669 | 1.19% | 7,402 |
1961 | 638,138 | 1.18% | 7,469 |
1962 | 646,547 | 1.32% | 8,409 |
1963 | 655,416 | 1.37% | 8,869 |
1964 | 664,419 | 1.37% | 9,003 |
1965 | 673,520 | 1.37% | 9,101 |
1966 | 682,759 | 1.37% | 9,239 |
1967 | 692,125 | 1.37% | 9,366 |
1968 | 701,632 | 1.37% | 9,507 |
1969 | 711,243 | 1.37% | 9,611 |
1970 | 720,999 | 1.37% | 9,756 |
1971 | 730,889 | 1.37% | 9,890 |
1972 | 735,453 | 0.62% | 4,564 |
1973 | 737,524 | 0.28% | 2,071 |
1974 | 739,604 | 0.28% | 2,080 |
1975 | 741,689 | 0.28% | 2,085 |
1976 | 743,784 | 0.28% | 2,095 |
1977 | 745,878 | 0.28% | 2,094 |
1978 | 747,981 | 0.28% | 2,103 |
1979 | 750,090 | 0.28% | 2,109 |
1980 | 752,208 | 0.28% | 2,118 |
1981 | 754,327 | 0.28% | 2,119 |
1982 | 752,738 | -0.21% | -1,589 |
1983 | 749,432 | -0.44% | -3,306 |
1984 | 746,136 | -0.44% | -3,296 |
1985 | 742,863 | -0.44% | -3,273 |
1986 | 739,600 | -0.44% | -3,263 |
1987 | 736,352 | -0.44% | -3,248 |
1988 | 733,113 | -0.44% | -3,239 |
1989 | 729,898 | -0.44% | -3,215 |
1990 | 726,692 | -0.44% | -3,206 |
1991 | 723,500 | -0.44% | -3,192 |
1992 | 719,276 | -0.58% | -4,224 |
1993 | 714,637 | -0.64% | -4,639 |
1994 | 710,023 | -0.65% | -4,614 |
1995 | 705,438 | -0.65% | -4,585 |
1996 | 700,876 | -0.65% | -4,562 |
1997 | 696,357 | -0.64% | -4,519 |
1998 | 691,860 | -0.65% | -4,497 |
1999 | 687,392 | -0.65% | -4,468 |
2000 | 682,948 | -0.65% | -4,444 |
2001 | 678,544 | -0.64% | -4,404 |
2002 | 678,413 | -0.02% | -131 |
2003 | 680,173 | 0.26% | 1,760 |
2004 | 681,940 | 0.26% | 1,767 |
2005 | 683,706 | 0.26% | 1,766 |
2006 | 685,480 | 0.26% | 1,774 |
2007 | 687,258 | 0.26% | 1,778 |
2008 | 689,043 | 0.26% | 1,785 |
2009 | 690,828 | 0.26% | 1,785 |
2010 | 692,620 | 0.26% | 1,792 |
2011 | 694,417 | 0.26% | 1,797 |
2012 | 696,221 | 0.26% | 1,804 |
2013 | 698,030 | 0.26% | 1,809 |
2014 | 699,843 | 0.26% | 1,813 |
2015 | 701,661 | 0.26% | 1,818 |
2016 | 703,484 | 0.26% | 1,823 |
2017 | 705,312 | 0.26% | 1,828 |
2018 | 707,144 | 0.26% | 1,832 |
2019 | 707,728 | 0.08% | 584 |
2020 | 708,357 | 0.09% | 629 |
2021 | 709,064 | 0.1% | 707 |
2022 | 709,915 | 0.12% | 851 |
2023 | 710,944 | 0.14% | 1,029 |
2024 | 712,176 | 0.17% | 1,232 |
2025 | 713,615 | 0.2% | 1,439 |
2026 | 715,242 | 0.23% | 1,627 |
2027 | 717,018 | 0.25% | 1,776 |
2028 | 718,899 | 0.26% | 1,881 |
2029 | 720,833 | 0.27% | 1,934 |
2030 | 722,780 | 0.27% | 1,947 |
2031 | 724,715 | 0.27% | 1,935 |
2032 | 726,629 | 0.26% | 1,914 |
2033 | 728,514 | 0.26% | 1,885 |
2034 | 730,366 | 0.25% | 1,852 |
2035 | 732,181 | 0.25% | 1,815 |
Name | 2024 Pop. | 2024 Growth |
Rome | 4,331,970 | 0.38% |
Milan | 3,160,630 | 0.19% |
Naples | 2,180,030 | 0.03% |
Turin | 1,805,730 | 0.21% |
Bergamo | 918,675 | 0.58% |
Palermo | 850,233 | 0.06% |
Bologna | 816,848 | 0.31% |
Florence | 712,176 | 0.17% |
Padova | 697,702 | 0.43% |
Genoa | 674,002 | -0.06% |
Busto Arsizio | 666,284 | 0.39% |
Venezia | 641,845 | 0.2% |
Verona | 641,720 | 0.4% |
Seregno | 636,104 | 0.52% |
Bari | 624,495 | 0.14% |
Catania | 587,784 | 0.14% |
Brescia | 494,299 | 0.44% |
Como | 490,732 | 0.43% |
Cagliari | 478,058 | 0.15% |
Latina | 464,742 | 0.67% |