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North Macedonia

Skopje's 2025 population is now estimated at 620,825In 1950, the population of Skopje was 120,209Skopje has grown by 4,786 in the last year, which represents a 0.78% annual change.These population estimates and projections come from the latest revision of the UN World Urbanization Prospects. These estimates represent the Urban agglomeration of Skopje, which typically includes Skopje's population in addition to adjacent suburban areas.

Total Population
4.8K 0.78%
Capital of North Macedonia?

Skopje Population

Skopje Overview

Skopje is a city located in Macedonia. It is the capital of the country, and it is also the largest city. The city has a population of 506,926 residents.

City Size and Population Density

The city of Skopje has a total area of over 220 square miles, and the population density is 2,300 residents per square mile.

Recent Population Estimates

The population count was last officially recorded in 2002. More recent estimates show that the city has seen a drop in population, with unofficial estimates putting the population around 502,700.

Skopje Population Demographics

Skopje is home to about one-third of the country’s total population. The largest ethnic group is Macedonians, who comprise over 66% of the total population. There is also over 20% Albanians, as well as other groups including Romani, Serbs, Turks, Bosniaks, Aromanians and a small percentage of other ethnic groups.

There are many religions observed through Skopje, with the primary religions being Orthodox and Islam. Sixteen percent of residents graduated from university, which is higher than the nation average of 10%. Eighty percent of people in Macedonia who have a PhD live in Skopje. Skopjans with no or low education is just 9%, which falls well below the province’s average of 17%.

Population Growth

The population has grown steadily throughout the years, exceeding 100,000 residents in the 1950s, passing 300,000 in the 1970s, and reaching over 500,000 by 2002. However, recent estimates suggest that the population has declined from the last official count held in 2002. There is nothing indicating that this will be a continuing trend. In fact, as more people continue to move from smaller towns and villages to pursue the opportunities available in Skopje, the population should continue to increase in the future.

Other Cities in North Macedonia

2025 Pop.


  1. World Population Prospects (2024 Revision) - United Nations population estimates and projections.