Worcester Overview
Worcester is a city that is located in Worcestershire, England. The city has a population of 101,328 according to estimates taken in 2015. The city is the seat of a Church of England bishop. The city has a long, rich history and a unique culture that makes it stand apart.
Worcester Demographics
According to the 2001 census, over 96% of the population were noted as white. Over 94% of these people were White British, higher than England’s national average. Most residents are Christian, comprising 77% of the population. Approximately 21% of the residents do not follow a religion or did not choose to respond to the question when the census was taken. There are, however, many churches of all denominations throughout Worcester, including Baptist, Catholic, Islam, and Buddhism.
Ethnic minorities that live in this city include those who originate from China, India, Pakistan, Italy, Bangladesh and Poland. The largest minority group is British Pakistanis, which account for about 1.3% of the total population.
Worcester History
The city of Worcester had had a significant population since medieval times, when it had a population of around 10,000 people. This was primarily due to the increase in cloth manufacturing.
Worcester was designated as a county corporate and was autonomous from local government in the late medieval period. The city went under attack when Charles II attempted to regain the crown in the 1600s but was defeated.
The city was the home of the Royal Worcester Porcelain Company, which was founded in 1751 and operated until 2009 when they joined another industrial group - continuing their porcelain work. There are, however, still decorators working for the company, and it has a museum available for visitors.
Heading into the 18th century through the 19th century, the city became known for glove making. The industry employed 30,000 people in Worcester. The 1800s also saw further growth, including the opening of the Worcester and Birmingham Canal, which opened up the city for more trade. Also notable during this time period was the development of Lea & Perrins Worcestershire sauce, which is still made and developed in Worcester.
During the 1950s and 1960s, the city of Worcester underwent big changes, including the demolition and rebuilding of the medieval center, which was condemned by many residents.
Today, the city has manufacturing plants that are important to the local economy. The city also has modern housing, business centers, and retail shopping centers. However, traces of the past still remain through the various parks, monuments and landmarks, including the Anglican Cathedral. The city also hosts multiple sports teams, as well as festivals and shows held annually.
Worcester Population Growth
At the time of the 2001 census, the population of Worcester was recorded as 93,353. Estimates in 2015 show that the number has grown to over 101,000, indicating that there is strong growth of the city. The flourishing economy of the city and business opportunities are expected to continue to attract more residents to further expand the population.