

Largest Countries:
Algeria, DR Congo
Number of Countries:
Land Area:
30.3M km² (20.36%)

Africa is the second-largest and second-most populous continent on Earth, , and is the only continent located in all four hemispheres. Africa comprises 20.36% of the world's land area, along with 19.36% of the world's current population. It also has the highest ranked growth rate today. The estimated population for Africa is approximately 1,549,862,036.

Total Population
% of World Population

Africa Population by Country

< 1M
1M - 10M
10M - 50M
50M - 100M
100M - 300M
> 300M

57 countries

DR Congo112,832,00048
South Africa64,747,30053
Ivory Coast32,711,500101
Burkina Faso24,074,60088
South Sudan12,188,80020
Sierra Leone8,819,790123
Republic of the Congo6,484,44019
Central African Republic5,513,2809
Guinea Bissau2,249,52062
Equatorial Guinea1,938,43069
Western Sahara600,9042
Cape Verde527,326131
Sao Tome and Principe240,254249

Africa Overview

Africa is the second-largest and second most populous continent on earth with an estimated population in 2016 of 1.2 billion people. Africa is home to 54 recognized sovereign states and countries, 9 territories and 2 de facto independent states with very little recognition. The UN Population Fund stated in 2009 that the population of Africa had hit the one billion mark and had therefore doubled in size over the course of 27 years.

The Population Fund’s Director Thoraya Obeid spoke to the BBC at the time and underlined the reasons behind the growing population.

“African countries are all growing fast … because there is a large number of women who have no access to planning their families,” she said. “It’s an African phenomenon of a large growing population and a large percentage of young people in the population.”

Africa Population Growth and Life Expectancy

54 countries make up the continent of Africa, and while population growth is relatively low in some areas, countries such as Nigeria and Uganda are increasing at an advanced rate. In most countries in the continent, the population growth is in excess of 2% every year.

In addition, there is a high proportion of younger people within the Africa population as a whole, with reports that 41% of the African population is under the age of 15. The life expectancy is also low – less than 50 in many nations and averaging 52 across the continent as a whole. This has reduced considerably over the course of the last twenty years with a widespread HIV and AIDS epidemic taking much of the blame for that statistic.

Infant mortality is also extremely high, and in Mali, it is reported that there are 102 deaths per 1,000 live births. All of these statistics could potentially lead to a fall in population numbers. but in Africa, the issue over family planning leads to the reverse effect.

Africa Demographics

The African nations as a whole are made up from such a diverse set of components that it is impossible to list them in full concerning demographics. However, in certain parts of the continent, there has been an increase in Asian and European settlers, which has also served to boost the population statistics as a whole.

In former British colonies, this can be seen extensively, and Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, and South Africa are all good examples as to a growing set of diverse ethnicities.

The population in Africa has grown rapidly over the last 40 years and it has a relatively young population, with more than half of the population under 25 in some states.

Most Populous Countries in Africa



Least Populous Countries in Africa

Africa's Population Growth

Africa Population

Africa’s population is growing very rapidly. Population experts predict Africa’s population will reach 2.4 billion by 2050.

Africa currently has a very low population density of about 65 people per square mile, which puts it behind Asia, Europe, and South America. The population of Africa is currently projected to quadruple in just 90 years, with a growth rate that will make Africa more important than ever to the global economy.

Africa’s Nigeria is already one of the most populous countries on earth, and as China’s population shrinks and India plateaus, Nigeria is on track to reach nearly 1 billion people by 2100 and come close to surpassing China. Nigeria’s current growth represents one of the biggest population booms in world history, with the country’s population expected to increase by a factor of eight in just two or three generations. All the more impressive considering the country is roughly the size of Texas.

The largest growth in Africa’s population will be in sub-Saharan region, including growth in countries like Tanzania, which is one of the poorest countries on earth. Just 13 years ago, the country’s population was 34 million, which has now grown to 45 million but is projected to reach 276 million by 2100. For comparison, the US population in mid-2023 was approximately 340 million.

Overall, predictions project the African continent’s population to reach 2.4 billion by 2050. By 2100, more than half of the world’s growth is expected to come from Africa, which could reach 4.1 billion people by 2100 and claim more than 30% of the world’s population. Most African countries will at least triple in population during that period, as the region has very high fertility rates and very little family planning in most regions.

Many population experts view Africa’s striking population growth with concern. Many African countries are still developing and are among the poorest countries in the world, with infrastructures and economies that struggle to meet their populations’ needs for resources such as jobs, food, water, electricity, healthcare, and law enforcement. If these already strained systems fail to grow at the same speed as the population, quality of life is likely to decrease and deaths to causes such as starvation and disease could increase.

Is Africa a Continent?

So, is Africa a country? No, Africa is not a country. Africa is a continent. It is a single, giant landmass that is made up of multiple countries. One continent, Australia, only has one country. On the other hand, Africa is made up of multiple countries. Some of the countries in Africa include South Africa, Morocco, Kenya, Nigeria, Ghana, and Zimbabwe. The borders of Africa have changed many times throughout history, and many borders changed when Africa was freed from European colonial rule.

The answer to the very common question, “Is Africa a continent?” is, yes. Africa is a continent. It is a continent home to 54 countries, with each of them being home to their own unique political and cultural infrastructure. With all of these countries, Africa is said to be among the most genetically diverse continents on the planet. Experts say this genetic diversity comes from this land being the beginning of the human race.

Its size reflects that as well. The size of the continent of Africa is equal to the combined land masses of Europe, India, Japan, China, and the United States. Geographically, it is the only continent that is found in all four hemispheres, with most of the continent being found in the Tropics. Because of its location, the continent is considered to be the most susceptible to the disastrous impacts of climate change.

Regions of Africa

Eastern Africa

Some of the countries in this region include:

This area has a population size of 501.3M and covers about 6.4M square miles.

Middle Africa

Some of the countries in this region include:

This area has a population size of 231.7M and covers about 7.2M square miles.

Northern Africa

Some of the countries in this region include:

This area has a population size of 276.3M and covers about 7.9M square miles.

Southern Africa

Some of the countries in this region include:

This area has a population size of 74M and covers about 2.7M square miles.

Sub-Saharan Africa

Some of the countries in this region include:

This area has a population size of 1.3B and covers about 22.4M square miles.

Western Africa

Some of the countries in this region include:

This area has a population size of 466.5M and covers about 6.1M square miles.


  1. World Population Prospects (2024 Revision) - United Nations population estimates and projections.

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