- Capital:
- Lomé
- Continent:
- Africa
- Region(s):
- Western Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa
- Abbreviation:
Togo's population structure shows a nearly equal male to female ratio of 1.01 to 1, with a median male age of 19.85 years old and a median female age of 20.03 years old. The highest concentration of adults under 75 years old is in the 18 and 19 year-old age groups, while the lowest concentration is in the 74 and 73 year-old age groups.
Data after 2022 is projected based on recent change
* As of 3/14/2025
1 birth
Every 1.8 minutes
1 death
Every 7.1 minutes
1 emigrant
Every 35.1 minutes
1 person
Every 2.5 minutes
There are around 40 ethnic groups in Togo. The largest is the Ewe in the south, who account for 32% of the population, or 21% of the population on the southern coastline. Other ethnic groups include the Kotokoli (Tem) and the Tchamba in the center of the country and the Kabye in the northern region (22%). The Ouatchis account for 14% of the population. While the Ewe and Ouatchi are often considered the same group, the French, who studied both, consider them separate people. Other smaller ethnic groups include the Mina, Mossi and Aja. The European population makes up less than 1% of Togo’s population.
Starting in the 16th century, Togo and the surrounding area was known as “the Slave Coast” as it became a trading center for Europeans looking for slaves.
Togo is a fairly religiously diverse nation, with significant numbers in a variety of different religion- although the proportions of these are debated. A study conducted at the University of Lomé said that 33% of the population practice Animism (an indigenous belief system that believes every person, place, and thing on earth contains its spiritual essence), 28% are Catholic, 14% are Sunni Muslim, 10% are Protestant and 10% belong to another sect of Christianity. Although the Christians outnumber the Animists when you consolidate the denominations, many other religions, including Christianity, incorporate indigenous beliefs into their modern religions.
Togo is the tenth poorest country in the world, and about 50% of Togo’s people live below the international poverty line of 1.25 USD per day. The economy in Togo is struggling, and issues like political instability and debt are making things continually worse. Agriculture is the largest industry in Togo and coffee, cocoa and cotton are the most widely produced crops. Togo is also known for mining phosphates, limestone, and marble.
The country of Togo is a presidential republic, which means that the president has executive power over both the state and the government as a whole. In addition to a president, Togo also has a Prime Minister, who is selected by the president. The Rally for the Togolese people is the prominent political party. Legislative power is divided between the government and parliament. The judicial system is based upon the French one, with a Court of Appeal and a Supreme Court.
The country of Togo didn’t become an independent nation until 1960, and doesn’t have much of an extended history for this reason. The first major event didn’t happen until 1985 when there were a series of bombings in the capital city of Lome, which Togo accused Ghana and Burkina Faso of dropping. Gilchrist Olympio was the opposition leader tied to the bombings, and he was put to death for his involvement. Eyadema, the leader of Togo’s only party, was elected for a second term shortly afterwards.
Eyadema dissolved the government in 1993, sparking protests, deadly confrontations with cops, and thousands to flee the area. Eyadema was re-elected for a third term in 1998, and a fourth term in 2003, causing the prime minister to resign. Eyadema died in 2005, and his son Faure was names as his successor by the military.Togo finally became a multi-party state and was admitted into the EU in 2007.