Derby Flag


United Kingdom

Derby's 2025 population is now estimated at 269,587In 2001, the population of Derby was 228,140Derby has grown by 5,157 in the last year, which represents a 0.39% annual change.

Total Population
5.2K 0.39%
Capital of United Kingdom?

Derby Population

Derby Overview

Derby is a city located in the United Kingdom. More specifically, it is located in Derbyshire, England. This city has a rich history, especially for its role in the industrial revolution. This was when the most rapid growth occurred. The city today continues to be a thriving hub of industry, being home to many businesses including auto manufacturers. The city at the time of the 2011 Census had a population of 248,752. The estimated population in 2016 is 254,374.

City Size and Population Density

The city of Derby uses approximately 78 square kilometers of area (about 30 square miles). Population density comes to some 3,028 persons living per square kilometer.

Derby Demographics

According to the 2011 Census, 80.2% of the population is white. Breaking down the population further, 12.6% of Derby’s population is Asian, 3.0% is Black British, 2.9% is Mixed, and 1.3% identify as another race. Per census data, 5.9% of the population is comprised of the Pakistani community. The black and minority ethnic population increased significantly between the censuses taken in 2001 and 2011, jumping to almost one-quarter of the people. The population grew nearly 8% during the same ten-year period. There was also a significant increase in the number of people in the 20 to 29 year demographic, increasing by 5,500 people between the two censuses. Almost 14% of the people who reside in Derby were born outside of the United Kingdom.

In terms of religion, 52.7% of the population is affiliated with a form of Christianity, 27.6% have no faith. Muslim and Sikh are also noted with 7% and 3% respectively. Small percentages (less than 1% each) prefer Hinduism or Buddhism.

Derby History

Derby’s history dates back to approximately 50 AD, where it was settled by the Romans. The name of the city was originally Derventio, and it is unknown as to when or why the name was changed. During the 16th through 18th centuries, the city was defended against Royalist Armies during the Civil War of 1642-1646 and was used by Bonnie Prince Charlie during a mission to seize the throne.

Significant changes occurred in Darby during the Industrial Revolution. Darby was a center of industrialization in Britain during this period. The first silk mill that was powered by water was located in Darby, while a man from Derby also created the Derby Rib Attachment, which made it easier to manufacture stockings. In 1840, Derby became the headquarters for Midland Railway and remained a major hub for rail manufacturing in the years following. Rolls Royce opened a car and aircraft factory in Derby in 1907. The city – which, at the time was just a town – also designated All Saints Church as a cathedral during the 1920s, preparing to be identified as a cit, which finally occurred in 1977.

In modern times, Derby continues to be a hub of industrial activity, but it has other features that make it stand out and draws in more residents every year. The city has a thriving arts community, with festivals taking place around the city year-round. The city also has several sports clubs, including rugby and cricket teams. Beautiful parks, shopping districts, and a selection of bars, restaurants, and nightclubs are also standout features of this English city.

Darby Population Growth

Throughout the years, Darby has seen extensive growth in terms of its population. The biggest jump occurred in the 50 years between 1801 and 1851 when the population climbed by over 230%. The city continued to see growth of over 144% through the early 1900s, before finally falling in 1981 and 2001. However, between the 2001 and 2011 census, the city saw growth of over 12%. With thriving industries, attractions, and rich culture, the city is expected to continue to see steady growth through the next census scheduled for 2021.

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