Gloucester Overview
Gloucester is a city in England. More specifically, it is located in Gloucestershire County. The city has a population of 128,500 inhabitants, according to estimates taken in 2016. The Gloucester Urban Area, which includes outlying districts, has a population estimated to be just under 150,000. The city is ranked 53rd in terms of the population across the United Kingdom.
City Size and Population Density
The city of Gloucester takes up an area of 40.5 square kilometers (approximately 25 square miles). In combination with a growing population, the population density comes to about 3172 individuals living per square kilometer (5140 residents per square mile).
Gloucester Population Demographics
Breaking down the population by ethnicity shows that over 84% of residents are White British. An additional 4.6% of the population is White. A total of 3.5% of inhabitants are South Asian, 2.8% are Black British or Black, 1.3% are Chinese or Other Asian, over 3% are Mixed Race, while 0.3% identify as another ethnicity.
Gloucester has a high percentage of younger residents, with inhabitants in the 0 to 19 demographic accounting for one-quarter of the total population. Over 16% of the population is 65 years old or older, which is the lowest percentage in the entire Gloucestershire area.
Population Growth History
The city’s population between 2015 and 2016 grew by 1%, which was among the highest of all of Gloucestershire County’s districts. Based on current projections, the city is expected to see continued growth. The population is expected to exceed 137,000 by the year 2024, rising again to over 150,000 by 2039. This reflects growth increases by 9.2% from 2014 to 2004 and 9.8% from 2024 to 2039.