Cambodia Flag


Phnom Penh
Southeast Asia
Largest Cities:
Phnom Penh, Takeo, Sihanoukville

Cambodia is a country in Asia, known for Angkor Wat temples and ancient Khmer heritage. It has a population of nearly 18 million, making it the 73rd largest country in the world. Its official language is , and the capital is Phnom Penh. Cambodia has a tourism-driven economy with growing manufacturing sector.

Total Population
Population Rank
Density (km²)
209.2K 1.31%
Annual Population Growth

Population of Cambodia

Cambodia's population structure shows a slightly lower male to female ratio of 0.96 to 1, with a median male age of 25.84 years old and a median female age of 28.19 years old. The highest concentration of adults under 75 years old is in the 18 and 19 year-old age groups, while the lowest concentration is in the 74 and 73 year-old age groups.

Cambodia Population

Data after 2022 is projected based on recent change

Cambodia Population Clock

Cambodia Population*
Births per Day
Deaths per Day
Emigrations per Day
Net Change per Day
2025 Population Change*

* As of 3/14/2025

1 birth

Every 1.5 minutes

1 death

Every 4.5 minutes

1 emigrant

Every 16.7 minutes

1 person

Every 2.5 minutes

Population by City

2025 Pop.
Phnom Penh1,573,544
Siem Reap139,458
Paoy Paet79,000
Kampong Chhnang75,244
Kampong Cham61,750
Ta Khmau52,066

Cambodia Overview

Cambodia Demographics

The demographics of the country are very much influenced by the civil war and later genocide, and 50% of the population is under 22 years old. It also has the most female-biased sex ratio in the region.

There is some diversity evident in Cambodia, with an ethnic breakdown of the population currently at Khmer 97.6%, Cham 1.2%, Chinese 0.1%, Vietnamese 0.1%, and other races at 0.9% as estimated in 2013 by the World Factbook.

Khmer is the official language of Cambodia, coming in with 97% of the population using it on a regular basis, with other languages at only 3%.

Cambodia Religion, Economy and Politics

Over 95% of the population practices Theravada Buddhism, the official religion, with an estimated 4,400 monastery temples in the country. Islam is the main religion of the majority of Malay and Chams minorities in the country, while most Muslims are Sunnis. There are approximately 300,000 Muslims in Cambodia, with about 1% identified as Christian.

The quality of life in any nation is heavily influenced by numerous factors. These include healthcare, education, and cleanliness among a plethora of other available data. The current median age of the total population is 25.3 years of age, with a total life expectancy of 64.9 years of age. In the healthcare sector, 5.7% of the GDP is directed toward health resulting in a meager .14 physician density per 1,000 residents and a hospital bed availability of .8 beds per 1,000 individuals within Cambodia. There is a fairly high infant mortality rate within the nation. Only 75% of the country has improved access to drinking water and only 42% of the population has access to improved sanitation facilities as well.

Cambodia Population History

Cambodia became a protectorate of France in 1863, and the French maintain their hold until World War II when Japan occupies the country. When the war ended, the French presence was reimposed, and Cambodian communists began to fight against them for independence, which was eventually gained in 1953. By 1965, Cambodia sided with the Vietnamese against the United States, and the war was brought onto Cambodian soil. Their involvement in the war lasted until the late 1980s, by which point hundreds of thousands had become refugees.

Since 1955, Cambodia has tripled in population size. In 1955 the population was recorded to be 5,045,288. This jumped to 10,653,558 by 1995 and reached over 16 million by 2017.