Spanish National Anthem

The national anthem of Spain is called “Marcha Real,” or “Royal March.” What is different about this national song is that it is one of just four in the world that does not have official lyrics. It is also one of the oldest national anthems in the world, dating back to the 18th century.

The music for Spain’s national anthem was originally written by Manuel de Espinosa de los Monteros in 1761. It was thought by many that Frederick II of Prussia wrote the song. However, this has since been found to be a myth. There have been multiple versions of lyrics written to accompany the melody throughout the years. The lyrics written by the poet Jose Maria Peman in 1928 have been used frequently. The song features three arrangements – one for military band, one for organ, and one for orchestra. There are six official adaptations of the national anthem which vary by length and arrangement. Competitions to find official lyrics have been launched, but the choices have been criticized and Spain’s nation anthem remains just a melody.

Spanish National Anthem Lyrics

Flag of Spain (Chorus)
Glory, glory, crown of the Fatherland
sovereign light
which in your standard is gold.
Life, life, future of the Fatherland,
in your eyes it is
an open heart
Purple and gold: immortal flag;
in your colors, together, flesh and soul are.
Purple and gold: to want and to achieve;
You are, flag, the sign of human effort.

Spain guiding (Solo)
Ask of us, Spain! Your name we will take
anywhere you want;
because honoring it is our law!
Command us, Spain, and united we will fight,
so that you may live,
relentless people and king!
You give us a glorious flag;
Nobody, who is alive, Spain, will take it from us!
So that, one day, we can be covered by it,
Give us, Spain, the joy of dying for you!

Long live Spain! ... (Chorus)
Long live Spain! The cry of the Fatherland,
the triumphant explosion
Has opened the way to the sun;
Long live Spain! repeated twenty peoples
and when they speak they have faith
in the Spanish will ...
Mark plow hammer and bugle
your noble rhythm at the cry of the Fatherland faith!
Guide the mind and the hand until the end,
the "Long Live Spain" Spain attends all standing!