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Cranberry Production 2022 (Tons)










Cranberry Production by Country 2024

Cranberries are a delicious, nutritious fruit packed with tart flavor. And the vast majority of them come from just a few nations. Just a dozen countries produce the entirety of the world's output. They're primarily located in North America and along the border of Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

The United States is the overwhelming number one global producer of cranberries, growing 404,880 tons annually. That's more than double Canada's output (195,196 tons), which sits in a distance second place. Chile holds third place with 106,180 tons, followed by two more dramatic drops to round out the top five: Turkey (11,481 tons) and Azerbaijan (2,874 tons.) The United States also leads by cranberry production acreage (15,904 acres), though Chile is not far behind (15,815 acres.) However, when looking at yield, Canada emerges on top, followed by the United States, with Romania a distant third.

Bulgaria puts out the lowest total among cranberry-producing nations, at just 85 tons per year. Tunisia, the next lowest country, produces more than twice as much (209 tons), with Belarus a hair ahead (214 tons.) Tunisia has the fewest acres dedicated to cranberry production, 32, while North Macedonia uses just 52 acres to produce 327 tons annually. Bulgaria and Latvia offer the world's lowest cranberry production yields.

Another way to view cranberry production is to look at how much is grown per person. By this metric, Chile is the clear leader with just over 6 kilograms per person, followed by Canada with 5.25. The United States produces just 1.24 kilograms per person. Every other global producer grows less than a single kilogram per person.

Differences in cranberry production can be chalked up to several factors. The plant doesn't grow successfully in all regions of the world, limiting it to certain areas. Additionally, cranberry consumption can vary significantly from culture to culture, leading to vastly different demand for the berry.

  • All values rounded to the nearest whole ton.
Cranberry Production 2022 (Tons)
Cranberry Production 2021 (Tons)
Cranberry Prod. 2020 (t)
Cranberry Prod. 2019 (t)
Cranberry Prod. 2018 (t)
Cranberry Prod. 2013 (t)
Cranberry Prod. 2003 (t)
United States365,500317,420354,170359,110404,880406,328280,910
North Macedonia31031031530331127898

Which country produces the most cranberries?

The United States of America is the largest producer of cranberries at 404,880 tonnes annually.

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