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G11 Countries / Group of Eleven Countries 2024

The Group of Eleven represents a forum of developing countries that are trying to catch up with the rest of the developed world. Countries that are still developing have a difficult time closing their income gap, particularly when they have to trade with rich countries that may be able to extract treaties that are not necessarily equal. The hope is that if these countries work together, they can catch up with the rest of the developed world and provide a better life for their citizens. The countries that are a part of the Group of 11 include Jordan, Croatia, Ecuador, Georgia, El Salvador, Honduras, Indonesia, Morocco, Pakistan, Paraguay, and Sri Lanka.

What Are the Goals of the Group of Eleven Countries?

The Group of Eleven countries have a handful of goals that are all designed to improve the standing of those specific countries and provide a better life for its citizens. First, the goal of this forum is to work together to reduce the collective debt that these countries hold. Specifically, it focuses on government debt. By getting rid of government debt, governments will be able to provide more support for their citizens. Next, the goal is to close the income gap between these countries and so-called rich countries. That way, they can lift their people out of poverty, making a significant difference in the careers their citizens are able to pursue. The vast majority of these countries are considered either low or middle-income countries.

Have the Group of Eleven Successfully Reduced Their Debt?

In some ways, the Group of 11 has been able to reduce the debt held by these countries. Specifically, this group works closely with the G8. They claim that it is in the best interests of the G8 to enter into agreements with indebted countries. Then, they can take the debt held by these countries and convert it into social development projects that their poor citizens can benefit from. That way, there are more job opportunities available to their citizens, and they will have more money to spend in the international market. They argue that collected prosperity would result from such an agreement, but because the Group of 11 is such a young organization, it remains to be seen if this will happen.

Should You Visit the Group of Eleven Countries?

There are plenty of tourist opportunities available in these nations; however, it is important for people to think carefully when they visit these countries. For example, Indonesia has some beautiful beaches, Morocco is home to one of the most magnificent cities in the world, and Croatia has a lot of history to explore; however, there are also significant safety concerns in many of these countries, which is why individuals need to think carefully and adhere to the suggestions of their local state departments before they decide whether visiting these countries is a good idea. As these countries become more developed, they will become safer to visit.

Group of 11
Croatia2006 - present
Ecuador2006 - present
El Salvador2007 - present
Georgia2006 - present
Honduras2006 - present
Indonesia2006 - present
Jordan2006 - present
Morocco2006 - present
Pakistan2006 - present
Paraguay2006 - present
Sri Lanka2006 - present
Tunisia2006-2007 (former)

Which countries are part of the G-11?

The countries that are part of the G-11 are Croatia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Georgia, Honduras, Indonesia, Jordan, Morocco, Pakistan, Paraguay, Sri Lanka and Tunisia.

Frequently Asked Questions
