Landlocked European Countries 2025

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Bordering Countries
# of Bordering Countries
Andorra France, Spain2
Austria Czechia, Germany, Hungary, taly, Liechtenstein, Slovakia, Slovenia, Switzerland8
Belarus Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, Ukraine5
Czech Republic Austria, Germany, Poland, Slovakia4
Hungary Austria, Croatia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine7
Luxembourg Belgium, Germany, France3
Moldova Romania, Ukraine2
San Marino Italy1
Serbia Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Romania8
Slovakia Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Ukraine5
Switzerland Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Liechtenstein5
Vatican City
  • Modova’s neighbor total does not include the partially recognized territory Transnistria, which is claimed by Moldova and not recognized as sovereign by any United Nations members.
  • North Macedonia’s neighbor total includes the partially recognized territory Kosovo, which is claimed by Serbia but recognized as sovereign by 102 of 192 United Nations members.
  • Serbia is bordered by eight neighbor countries, but precisely which eight is open to debate. If one considers Kosovo sovereign, it is the eighth neighbor country. If one considers Kosovo part of Serbia, Albania becomes the eighth neighbor country.