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Quinoa Production 2022 (Tons)








Quinoa Production by Country 2024

Although people have been growing it for over 5,000 years, quinoa has seen a major increase in popularity recently. Quinoa is a highly versatile, nutritious grain with a long, rich cultivation history. However, most of the world’s quinoa supply comes from just a few countries with the ideal climate conditions required for optimal yields.

Top Quinoa-Producing Countries in 2023

Although quinoa is grown around the world, some countries are definitely higher producers than others. The following are the world’s top quinoa-producing countries as of 2023.


As of 2023, Peru is the largest producer of quinoa in the world with an approximate annual yield of 106,756 tons. Peru is also famous around the world for producing lots of different varieties of quinoa, as well as for having an agricultural policy in place that encourages cultivation.


Bolivia currently contributes about 38,800 tons of quinoa to the worldwide quinoa supply each year – not nearly as much as Peru, but still more than enough to make it the world’s second-largest quinoa producer. The Bolivian regions with the highest rates of quinoa production are located in the Andes Mountains.


Ecuador produces around 1,481 tons of quinoa annually – not as much as Peru or Bolivia, but still an ample amount, thanks to its quinoa-friendly climate. Like Peru, Ecuador considers quinoa production to be a key part of its agricultural function.

In recent years, quinoa production has also been on the rise in the United States, thanks to the grain’s growing popularity and overall versatility. The bulk of quinoa production in the U.S. occurs in states like Washington and Colorado for climate reasons.

Factors Impacting Quinoa Production

Mountain environments and highlands provide the best growing environment for quinoa, so it’s no coincidence that the world’s top producers are near the Andes Mountains of South America.

Some regions are developing techniques for growing quinoa along coasts and in lowland areas, as well. However, access to the right growing environments remains a key factor affecting quinoa production worldwide. Here are some others:

  • Cultural Significance: Whether quinoa is deeply ingrained in a country’s culture can affect demand and, in turn, production rates. Top quinoa producers generally have a longstanding cultural relationship with the grain.
  • Government Support: Government-supplied incentives like subsidies and research can impact how much quinoa a country ultimately produces and consumes.
  • Sustainability: The recent boom in quinoa’s popularity raises concerns about land use, sustainability, and other similar factors. The degree to which these factors affect a country will also influence production.
  • Values have been rounded to the nearest whole ton.
Quinoa Production 2022 (Tons)
Quinoa Prod. 2021 (Tons)
Quinoa Prod. 2020 (Tons)
Quinoa Prod. 2019 (Tons)
Quinoa Prod. 2018 (Tons)
Quinoa Prod. 2017 (Tons)
Quinoa Prod. 2016 (Tons)
Quinoa Prod. 2015 (Tons)
Quinoa Prod. 2010 (Tons)
Quinoa Prod. 2000 (Tons)
Quinoa Prod. 1990 (Tons)

Which country produces the most quinoa?

Peru is the world's leading producer of quinoa by a large margin, having produced more than 100,000 tons of quinoa every year since 2020. Bolivia is the second-largest producer of quinoa in the world, with annual yields ranging from 44,000-70,000 tons of quinoa from 2020-2022. No other country has produced more than 5,000 tons during that time.

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