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Jewish Population Pre WWII









What Countries were Involved in the Holocaust?

  • Total death counts are quite difficult to obtain, due to intentionally secretive actions and chaotic wartime record keeping. All data should be viewed as educated estimates.
  • Listed totals for Germany include both Germany and Austria, which had been annexed by Germany at the time the Holocaust took place.
  • Countries whose names or forms have changed since WWII, such as the Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia, are listed by their modern names.
  • The modern-day countries of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, and Slovenia were all part of Yugoslavia at the time of the Holocaust. As such, their Jewish population data is included in Yugoslavia's total.

29 countries

Jewish Population Pre WWII
Jewish Population Post WWII
Change in Population
% Change
WWII Status
Additional Details
Germany300,00027,000273,00091%Axis ally
Led by dictator Adolf Hitler, who conceived the Holocaust, Germany was the leader of the Axis powers...
Poland's government went into exile, after which Germany annexed some of Poland and occupied the res...
Czech Republic253,00025,000228,00090%Occupied
Huge numbers of Jews were deported from the area now known as the Czech Republic. For example, 42,00...
Most Jews in Lithuania died at the hands of German death squads and local anti-semetic paramilitarie...
More than 2700 Jews were killed in staged progroms and another 26,000 by ethnic cleansing operations...
Police were forced to help German forces track down and deport Jews.
Government was replaced by Nazi-sypathetic government, including many officials who encouraged and a...
Hungary750,000200,000550,00073%Axis ally
Hungary had been awarded part of Czechoslovakia in 1938 due in large part to Germany and had annexed...
Proper government went into exile, but interim government was known to have cooperated with Axis for...
Occupied by both the USSR and Germany. While most Estonia Jews left the country before German occupa...
Jews in Russia were aggressively exterminated by Nazi death squads.
Ruled by German puppet regime while true government was in exile. Police and volunteers who joined G...
Invaded and occupied by Italy.
Italy57,00033,00024,00042%Axis ally
Led by fascist dictator Benito Mussolini, Italy was among the first countries to ally with Germany a...
Romania600,000430,000170,00028%Axis ally
Romania joined the Axis in the hopes of regaining territory annexed by Hungary, regaining area annex...
Bulgaria64,00050,00014,00022%Axis ally
Bulgaria was slow to join the Axis for fear of antagonizing the Soviet Union and/or Yugoslavia, but ...
The Vichy France government in power at the time deported as least 75,000 Jews to Nazi concentration...
Japan-Axis ally
Japan's relative distance from Germany and lack of Jewish residents made it a non-factor in the Holo...
See Germany
See Yugoslavia
Government successfully prevented the mass murder of Danish Jews, but did surrender to Nazi forces a...
Finland2,0002,000-Axis ally
Finland fought did not formally join the Axis, but fought alongside Axis forces against the USSR and...
Slovakia-Axis ally
Having been largely established by Germany, Slovakia was highly dependent upon the Axis leader's sup...
Croatia-Axis ally
Croatia was created by Germany during the dismemberment of Yugoslavia.
See Yugoslavia
North Macedonia-Occupied
See Yugoslavia
Annexed into Germany in 1942, which made Luxembourgish men draft-eligible for the German army.
See Yugoslavia
Succeeded in protecting Monacan Jews, but turned over at least 42 Jewish refugees to Nazi forces.

How many countries were involved in the Holocaust?

Approximately 23 separate countries were involved in the Holocaust. 6 countries were included in the Axis powers group and 17 were included in the Allies group of countries.

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