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Why are Ritz Crackers Banned in Other Countries?

United Kingdom

Ritz crackers are prohibited in the United Kingdom for the same reason that they are prohibited in Canada: the presence of potassium bromate. In the United Kingdom, food makers are likewise required to mark items containing potassium bromate, and it is prohibited to sell any food products containing this addition. The Food Standards Agency in the United Kingdom did its own research on the effects of potassium bromate and decided that it is hazardous to human health.

The government advises consumers to avoid goods containing this ingredient and has worked with food producers to minimize the quantity of potassium bromate used in food manufacturing. The United Kingdom is situated in a precarious situation, where it must construct its rules and regulations to be both compatible with western standards, and also observe the traditions of its European partners - despite its exit from the European Union.


Ritz crackers are also banned in Brazil, although the reason for this ban is different from the ones in Canada and the UK. In Brazil, Ritz crackers are prohibited because they contain trans fats, which have been linked to an increased risk of heart disease and other health problems.

Trans fats are unsaturated fats that are generally found in processed foods, such as crackers, cookies, and margarine. They are formed when liquid oils are hydrogenated, a process that makes them more solid and durable at room temperature. However, trans fats have been shown to raise levels of "bad" (LDL) cholesterol in the blood and decrease levels of "good" (HDL) cholesterol, which can lead to an increased risk of heart disease. The natural Brazilian diet has been centered around organic agricultural foodstuffs and unique seafood dishes.

The Brazilian government has strict limitations regarding the number of trans fats that can be present in food, and as a result, Ritz crackers cannot be sold in the country. Food manufacturers are required to label products that contain trans fats and subsequently must abide by strict limits on the number of trans fats that can be present in their foods.

  • As of 2003, every country that has banned Ritz crackers has done so because the ingredients include trans fats such as partially hydrogenated soybean and cottonseed oils.
Ritz Crackers Banned
