Great Barrier Island Population 2024

What is the Population of the Great Barrier Island?

The statistical area of the Barrier islands includes Little Barrier Island and the Mokohinau Islands. These islands have no permanent inhabitants that consider themselves active members of society but have a population of about 1040 as of the most recent census conducted in 2021. This means that there is a population density of about 3.2 people per square kilometer, which is very sparsely populated.

The population of the area has increased since the last census conducted in 2018 when there were only 930 souls. This has presented an initial decline since the previous census conducted in 2013 which estimated the population to be 933 people. Overall, the first census was prepared and executed in 2006, which showed a population of 867 people. This is a rare instance where a small community on the island continues to grow at a steady pace, although it is not ground-breaking in any way. The population has a median age of about 52 years of age, and the ratio of males to females is 1.17, making the island's breeding potential extremely low.

What is the Great Barrier Island?

The Great Barrier Island, called Aotea in the Maori language, lies off the coast of mainland New Zealand in the outer Hauraki Gulf. It is located some 100km away from the larger city of Auckland and is considered the sixth-largest island in the country of New Zealand. The local authority on the island is the Auckland Council, and the highest point on the island is Mount Hobson, which is located 2057 feet above sea level.

The Island is well-known today but was initially exploited for the lumber and minerals available, as the island is not extremely suitable for agriculture due to a lack of arable land. The mountainous environment indicative of a volcano-like topography has made it extremely lucrative for mining operations, and the kauri trees are well-built to endure harsh climate - used for sturdy furniture, buildings, and instruments. The population of the island lives off-the-grid and is not considered permanent residents, possibly to avoid the taxation that comes with it from the council. Most of the islanders are self-sufficient, meaning they use the natural resources in the area to grow whatever they can to survive. The majority of the island is administered as a nature reserve and is protected under the Department of Conversation.

Because of its seclusion from mainland New Zealand, it is often considered a traditional atmosphere where many can enjoy the culture of the Maori and the life that was lived many decades ago.

Interesting Facts About the Great Barrier Island

While the name of the island in the local language is Aotea, the English name was first given by Captain Cook. He named it Great Barrier Island because it acts as a wall or sea barrier between the gulf and the pacific ocean. The island protects the gulf from the ocean surface waves and the currents of the South Pacific Gyre.