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Almond Production by State 2024

Almond Production by State 2024

California is the world's leading producer of almonds, with its Central Valley providing the ideal Mediterranean climate for almond cultivation. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) reports that California produces over 80% of the global almond supply, with more than 1.3 million acres dedicated to almond orchards. While California dominates the almond production landscape, states like Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas also grow almonds on a smaller scale, primarily in smaller, family-owned farms and experimental orchards.

The demand for almonds continues to grow worldwide due to their nutritional value and versatility. In response to this increasing demand, some states outside of traditional almond-growing regions, such as Georgia, Florida, and South Carolina, are exploring the possibility of expanding almond production. Researchers and agricultural experts are studying the viability of growing almonds in these states with suitable climate conditions. As almond production expands, it will be interesting to see how these new regions contribute to the United States' role as a global leader in almond cultivation.

Almond Production by State 2024

  • California produced approximately 80% of the world's almonds. Although other states produce token amounts of almonds, as of 2024 they are not statistically significant and are not tracked by the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture).
  • Almond Production Data is displayed in millions of pounds (ie: 2,740 = 2,740,000,000,000 lbs).
  • Value of Production Data is displayed in thousands of dollars (ie: 3,880,240 = $3,880,240,000).
  • 2024 total shown is a pre-harvest estimate. Final value will likely differ.
Almond Production (Shelled - Million LBS) - 2024
Almond Production (Shelled - Million LBS) - 2023
Almond Production (Shelled - Million LBS) - 2022
Almond Production (Shelled - Million LBS) - 2021
Almond Production (Shelled - Million LBS) - 2020
Almond Production Value 2023 (1000 USD)
Almond Production Value 2022 (1000 USD)
Almond Production Value 2021 (1000 USD)
Almond Production Value 2020 (1000 USD)

Which state produces the most almonds?

The biggest almond producer in the United States is California.

Frequently Asked Questions
