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States Without Alimony 2024

States Without Alimony 2024

States Without Alimony 2024

  • Alimony exists in one form or another in every US state, meaning that there are no states completely without alimony. However, alimony is significantly restricted in a number of states, as shown below.

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Alimony Enforcement
Additional Details
FloridaLimited Enforcement
Florida's alimony law enforcement may be limited by the duration of the marriage and financial resou...
MississippiLimited Enforcement
Mississippi traditionally limits alimony to cases of proven financial hardship, with courts awarding...
NevadaLimited Enforcement
The duration and provisions enforced in Nevada's alimony laws hinges on factors such as financial ca...
New HampshireLimited Enforcement
New Hampshire prioritizes post-divorce independence, typically awarding short-term, limited alimony ...
North CarolinaLimited Enforcement
North Carolina awards alimony to dependent spouses, but adultery by the dependent spouse can block i...
TexasLimited Enforcement
Instead of alimony, Texas courts commonly grant "spousal maintenance", but under specific circumstan...
UtahLimited Enforcement
Utah keeps alimony payments tightly controlled: they can't last longer than the marriage, the recipi...
WashingtonLimited Enforcement
How long alimony lasts and what it covers in Washington depends on things like how much money each s...
WyomingLimited Enforcement
Wyoming grants judges significant leeway in awarding spousal support, considering each couple's fina...
