Antwerp Flag



Antwerp's 2025 population is now estimated at 1,064,870In 1950, the population of Antwerp was 758,931Antwerp has grown by 3,780 in the last year, which represents a 0.36% annual change.These population estimates and projections come from the latest revision of the UN World Urbanization Prospects. These estimates represent the Urban agglomeration of Antwerp, which typically includes Antwerp's population in addition to adjacent suburban areas.

Total Population
3.8K 0.36%
Capital of Belgium?

Antwerp Population

Antwerp Overview

Antwerp is a city that is located in Belgium. It is the capital of the Antwerp province, and it is also the most populous city proper in the entire country. It also has the second largest metropolitan area with over 1.2 million inhabitants. The population of the city itself is 520,504 per data from 2017. This city is most known for being a major center of trade and culture within Belgium. It is also one of the most multi-cultural in the world, falling second only to Amsterdam. Its diamond district is also notable, earning it the nickname “the diamond capital of the world.”

Area and Population Density

The city has a total area of almost 79 miles, making the population density about 6,500 residents per square mile.

Demographics of Antwerp

Antwerp has a very diverse population and is home to 168 different nationalities. Data from 2010 shows that about 39% of the population has a migrant background. The largest migrant group is from the Netherlands, with a population of about 15,005 residing in Antwerp. Following the Netherlands is Morocco with 12,450, Poland with 7,259, Turkey with 4,603, and Spain with 2,959. Large populations of migrants are also from Portugal, France, the United Kingdom, and India.

The city is also a significant center for people of the Orthodox Jewish faith, with approximately 15,000 of its residents following this religion. There are also large communities of Armenians and Jains living in this Belgium city.

Dutch is most often spoken here, along with French.

Population Growth

Antwerp’s population has risen and fallen multiple times throughout its history. Most notably, significant declines were recorded in 1586 following a siege, again in 1640 after the Black Death epidemic, and then throughout the next centuries. However, the population has increased steadily since the late 1950s, rising from just 260,000 in 1959 to over half a million today. It can be expected that the population will only continue to increase as more people travel to Antwerp for its many opportunities as well as its ethnic diversity.

Other Cities in Belgium

2025 Pop.


  1. World Population Prospects (2024 Revision) - United Nations population estimates and projections.