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North America

Barrie's 2025 population is now estimated at 167,494In 2012, the population of Barrie was 142,135Barrie has grown by 14,083 in the last year, which represents a 1.77% annual change.

Total Population
14.1K 1.77%
Capital of Canada?

Barrie Population

Barrie Overview

Barrie is a city that is located in Ontario, Canada. The city’s official population during the last census held in 2011 was 135,711. However, this number was later updated to 136,063. Estimates in 2016 put the population at 141,434.

The city is located in Simcoe County but is not governed by the county, as it is independent. Barrie was first established as a town in 1837 and then developed as a city in 1853. The total area of the city is 35.24 square miles, while the urban area is almost double that size.

Barrie Demographics

The city of Barrie officially had a population of 136,063 people at the time of the 2011 Census. This reflected an increase of 5.9% from the previous population total taken just five years previously. Other data from the census show that about 97% of residents are Canadian citizens, while only 3% are not citizens. The average age in the city is 37.2, which falls below the national average.

Over 87% of Barrie residents are White, 7.6% are minorities, and aborigines account for 5% of the population. Over 41,000 people do not have a religious affiliation, while over 36,000 are Catholic. Other popular religions include United Church, Other Christian, and Anglican.

Barrie History

One of the most significant historical facts about Barrie is its role during the War of 1812. The city supplied the British Military with their supplies during the war. Another interesting fact is that Barrie was a part of the Underground Railroad. It was a final destination for many American slaves who escaped to gain their freedom.

In 2010, due to population growth, the city annexed land from Innisfil to support the expanding population. The city is now home to higher education institutes, data and distribution centers for big corporations including IBM and TD Canada, and has many other major employers that make it an ideal place to live. The city’s economy is also reliant on tourism, with many visiting from all over the world to explore its historic downtown area and its beautiful waterfront. The city also continues to bring in residents and tourists alike with its fine arts venues and attractions including city parks and sports complexes.

Barrie Population Growth

The city of Barrie has seen continued growth over the years. The most significant rate of growth was between 1841 and 1871 when it grew by over 579%. Though that was the highest rate of growth, it hasn’t stopped since. In 1961, the population just exceeded 21,000. By 1991, the population had almost tripled. From 1991 to 2006, the population had more than doubled again. The data from the 2006 and 2011 censuses showed that the population grew by almost 6%. Based on these trends and with no data indicating otherwise, it’s safe to assume that this city will continue to see growth in the years ahead.

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