Mississauga Overview
Mississauga is a city in Southern Ontario, Canada. Positioned on a narrow piece of land and bordered by water, it is found nestled between New York and Michigan.
Mississauga Population Size
Experts estimate a future population size in 2041 of 878,000, which will be a significant increase from the 2016 census report that confirmed 721,599 residents. Mississauga ranked 6th in size in the top 100 populated municipalities in Canada in 2011. It has grown significantly after its initial development as a suburb of Toronto. Mississauga still remains Canada’s safest town for 9 years running, even considering the population growth.
Notes of Interest in Mississauga
Mississauga is an up and coming business area with strong economic growth and a generally affluent population. There are a mix of great residential areas to choose from – mostly all are safe, affluent, well served by public transport and full of shops and other points of interest. In fact, the city of Mississauga boasts over 495 parks and 22km of waterline. Port Credit is notable as a beautiful historical harbor based area with a holiday feel; filled with parks, small beach areas and restaurants.
There is affordable housing as well as multi-million pound luxury accommodation around the city with an exclusive and comfortable aura felt by visitors and residents alike. The predicted 878,000 residents of Mississauga are unevenly spread across the city with fewer people inhabiting the older more expensive areas. The newer areas currently being more attractive and faster growing for the younger professionals who are boosting the population.
Mississauga Demographics
Just under 50% of the population of the city have a white ethnic background and just over 20% are from Southern Indian heritage. The next two largest ethnic groups are Chinese and Black. Over half of the people of Mississauga have a native language which is not English. English is the only language used by nearly 90% of the Mississauga population. Nearly 10% of the population are of retirement age compared with nearly 15% in the whole of Canada. The major faith in Mississauga is Christianity with just under 60% reported in the 2011 census. Islam was the second highest at nearly 12%. Perhaps a nod to the affluence of the area there is a very high number – 68.5% - of working age residents in Mississauga. This is second only to Russia in all the G8 countries.
Mississauga Population Growth
The city of Mississauga is growing rapidly – its population has nearly doubled in the last 25 years. It is an international business hub with 60 out of the Fortune 500 companies housing their International, Global or Canadian headquarters in this city. It is an extraordinary place which has grown from a disconnected and spread out set of communities to a fully identifiable city with its own identity and brand – both as a city and as a business hub. A city strategy developed by the female mayor includes four main areas of business development - ICT, life sciences, advanced manufacturing and finance – which has secured the economic future for this city as these industries attract educated professionals and their families. Economic growth is not only predicted for this city but visible in its wealth of modern features, big name companies and successful residents.