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United Kingdom

York's 2025 population is now estimated at 220,568In 1981, the population of York was 158,170York has grown by 9,948 in the last year, which represents a 0.77% annual change.

Total Population
9.9K 0.77%
Capital of United Kingdom?

York Population

York Overview

York is quite an old city with archeological finds indicating that it goes back earlier than the first century. It has been a haven for Vikings and even a royal stronghold during its long history. York is one of the most well-known areas in England for tourists and history buffs alike, and the city continues to grow year after year.

York Population Demographics

The total population of York as of the 2011 census is 198,051. Of that number, women outnumber men considerably in York. There are 101,797 women and only 96,254 men within the city limits. When looking at percentages, this means that 51.4% of the population is female and 48.6% is male. The population density of the city stands at 7,283 people per hectare of land. Age statistics in York show that there are 158,773 adults above the age of 16 living in York. The majority are between the ages of 35 and 54, with 51,588 people within this age bracket. The median age in York is 38.

City Size and Population Density

The city of York covers a surface area of 105.00 sq mi (271.94 km²). The population density comes to approximately 1,780/sq mi (687/km²).

Households in York

York has become a much more open and diverse culture in recent years with a wide range of families living in the city. There are currently 83,552 households and, of that number, only 26,903 claim that they are married. Cohabitating couples make up 9,173 of the total and there are 136 households with same sex marriage partnerships. One parent households are on the rise and currently make up 7,288 of all families in York. Other household types make up 7,455 of the total number of households.

Religion in York

Religion in the city of York is becoming more diverse as the years pass, but the majority of the population identifies as Christian, making up 117,856 of the total population. 56,646 people have no religious affiliation and, during the census, 15,396 did not respond to the question. Muslims make up the second largest religious group at 2,072 people, followed by Buddhists at 1,016. Other religions in York are Hindu with 983 people, Judaism with 202 people, Sikh with 133 people, and other religions make up the remaining 747 people in York.

Employment in York

In York, as of the 2011 census, there were 98,721 people in the workforce between the ages of 16 and 74. Professional occupations ranked highest among all percentages of employment at 20.1214% of the workforce. 10.5% fall into the managerial sector and 12.10% are in the associate professional sector. Administrative and secretarial work make up 10.39%, skilled trades are 10.03%, care services are 9.10%, sales are 10.36%, and processors make up the smallest section at 5.65%. Educators make up 11.71% of the total working population.

Ghosts and York Hauntings

The majority of the statistics about a city are generally about the living, but in York you have to consider the dead as well. It is estimated that roughly 500 ghosts have been sighted within the city of York including those of many Roman soldiers, infamous victims of crimes, and numerous children. Although compelling scientific evidence is difficult to come by, it is a fun fact to know before heading to York - and the stories of each haunting are truly intriguing.

Temporal Twin Cities

Another fascinating fact about the city of York is that this city is the first in the world to have ‘twinned’ with the earlier city of Jorvik. Jorvik was a Norse settlement that happens to have been located in the same position. An archeological dig in the 1970s brought valuable information and relics to the surface of York and inspired the unique twin city idea. The twinning celebrates the history of Jorvik and its continuing influence and pull on the city of York.

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