Argentine National Anthem

Argentine National Anthem Lyrics

lyricsauthor: Vicente López y Planes

Full Lyrics

Hear, mortals, the sacred cry:
"Freedom, freedom, freedom"
Hear the sound of broken chains,
see noble equality enthroned.
On the face of the earth rises
A glorious new nation.
Her head is crowned with laurels,
And a Lion lies defeated at her feet.


May the laurels be eternal,
the ones we managed to win
Let us live crowned with glory
or swear to die gloriously

  1. From the new Champions their faces
    Mars himself seems to encourage
    Greatness nestles in their bodies:
    at their march they make everything tremble.
    The dead Inca are shaken,
    and in their bones the ardour revives
    which renews their children
    of the Motherland the ancient splendour.

  2. Mountain ranges and walls are felt
    to resound with horrible din:
    the whole country is disturbed by cries
    of revenge, of war and rage.
    In the fiery tyrants the envy
    spit the pestipherous bile;
    their bloody standard they rise
    provoking the most cruel combat.

  3. Don't you see them over Mexico and Quito
    throwing themselves with tenacious viciousness?
    And who they cry, bathed in blood,
    Potosí, Cochabamba and La Paz?
    Don't you see them over sad Caracas
    spreading mourning and weeping and death?
    Don't you see them devouring as wild animals
    all people who surrender to them?

  4. To you it dares, Argentines,
    the pride of the vile invader;
    your fields it steps on, retelling
    so many glories as winner.
    But the brave ones, that united swore
    their merry freedom to sustain,
    to those blood-thirsty tigers
    bold breasts they will know to oppose.

  5. The valiant Argentine to arms
    runs burning with determination and bravery,
    the war bugler, as thunder,
    in the fields of the South resounds.
    Buenos Ayres opposes, leading
    the people of the illustrious Union,
    and with robust arms they tear
    the arrogant Iberian lion.

  6. San José, San Lorenzo, Suipacha,
    both Piedras, Salta and Tucumán,
    La Colonia and the same walls
    of the tyrant in the Banda Oriental.
    They are eternal signboards they say:
    here the Argentine arm found triumph,
    here the fierce oppressor of the Motherland
    his proud neck bent.

  7. Victory to the Argentine warrior
    covered with its brilliant wings,
    and embarrassed at this view the tyrant
    with infamy took to flight.
    Its flags, its arms surrender
    as trophies to freedom,
    and above wings of glory the people rise
    the worthy throne of their great majesty.

  8. From one pole to the other resounds
    the fame of the sonorous bugler,
    and of America the name showing
    they repeat "Mortals, hear:
    The United Provinces of the South
    have now displayed their most honorable throne".
    And the free people of the world reply:
    "We salute the great people of Argentina!"