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Five Eyes Countries 2024

A group of nations has joined with the United States to form what is known as the Five Eyes, also known simply as FVEY. This is an intelligence cooperative in the areas of military intelligence, human intelligence, and signals intelligence. FVEY can be traced back to the 1941 Atlantic Charter, which was a secret treaty first began with the United Kingdom – Untied States of America Agreement (UKUSA) that was signed in 1946. It was in 1946 when the UKUSA Agreement was formally enacted, then later was extended to other nations. There are five nations that are part of FVEY. Those nations are Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

Australia monitors South and East Asia. Canada monitors Russia, China, and Latin America. New Zealand is responsible for monitoring Southeast Asia and the western Pacific. The United Kingdom monitors Europe, European Russia, the Middle East, and Hong Kong. Finally, the United States monitors China, the Middle East, Russia, Africa, and the Caribbean. Throughout the years, there have been many high-profile people under surveillance by FVEY. Some surprising people that have been under surveillance include musician John Lennon, comedian Charlie Chaplin, actress Jane Fonda, and Princess Diana.

  • The Five Eyes countries share data across six main categories, each spearheaded by a different specialized agency in each country. The categories are as follows and the agencies in charge are outlined in the data table.
  • Signals Intelligence: Intercepting and analyzing electronic signals.
  • National Assessment: Assessing intelligence on a national level for strategic insights.
  • Defence Intelligence: Collecting and analyzing intelligence related to defense matters.
  • Security Intelligence: Focusing on threats to national security, both internal and external.
  • Human Intelligence: Collecting intelligence through human sources.
  • Counterterrorism Centers: Coordinating efforts to gather, analyze, and act upon intelligence related to terrorism.
Five Eyes
Signals Intelligence
National Assessment
Defence Intelligence
Security Intelligence
Human Intelligence (HUMINT)
Counterterrorism Centers
United StatesNational Security Agency (NSA)Central Intelligence Agency/Director of Intelligence (CIA/DI) | US State Department/ Intelligence and Research Bureau (State/INR)Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA)Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)Central Intelligence Agency/Director of Operations (CIA/DO)National Counter Terrorism Centre (NCTC)
United KingdomGovernment Communications Headquarters (GCHQ)Cabinet Office Assessment Staff (COAS)Defence Intelligence Staff (DIS)British Security Service (BSS) (MI-5)Secret Intelligence Service (SIS) (MI-6)Joint Threat Assessment Centre (JTAC)
CanadaCommunications Security Establishment Canada (CSEC)International Assessment Staff (IAS)Chief of Defence Intelligence (CDI)Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS)CSIS (note)Integrated Threat Assessment Centre (ITAC)
AustraliaDefence Signals Directorate (DSD)Office of National Assessments (ONA)Defence Intelligence Organization (DIO)Australian Security Intelligence Organization (ASIO)Australian Secret Intelligence Service (ASIS)National Threat Assessment Centre (NTAC)
New ZealandGovernment Communications Security Bureau (GCSB)National Assessment Bureau (NAB)Directorate of Defence Intelligence and Security (DDIS)New Zealand Security Intelligence Service (SIS)(inherent in SIS mandate)Combined Threat Assessment Centre (CTAG)

Which countries are the Five Eyes countries?

Australia, Canada, New Zealand, United Kingdom and United States are the five countries that make up the Five Eyes.

Frequently Asked Questions
