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G15 Countries


G15 Countries / Group of 15 Countries 2024

The Group of 15, which is also known as the G15, is a group of countries that cooperate on a wide variety of issues and provide input to other organizations, such as the World Trade Organization and the Group of 7. The organization was established in 1989, and it is composed of representatives from Latin America, Asia, and Africa. The goal of this organization is to promote technology, trade, and investment in developing countries that have economies that are still growing. Even though the size of the organization has changed over the years, the goals have not. Many developing countries feel like they are overlooked by the rest of the world, and this organization seeks to stop that from happening.

What Countries Are In the Group of 15?

Even though it is called the Group of 15, it does not mean that the organization only has 15 countries. Right now, the countries that are included in the Group of 15 are Algeria, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Iran, Jamaica, Kenya, Malaysia, Mexico, Nigeria, Peru, Senegal, Sri Lanka, Venezuela, and Zimbabwe. There have been some changes over the years. Since the organization was first founded, Kenya, Iran, and Chile have decided to join the group. Yugoslavia was one of the founding members. The original charter was signed in Belgrade, located in Yugoslavia; however, the country has since broken up into multiple components.

What Does the Group of 15 Do?

There are several activities that the group engages in regularly. The goal is to harness the collective potential of each country in the group for beneficial cooperation. The situation across the world is regularly reviewed, and the countries will work together to align themselves to improve international economic relations. The committee also acts as a forum where consultations can take place among developing countries regularly. That way, they can coordinate different actions. The organization also works to produce more productive dialogue between northern and southern countries. The hope is that they can find new ways of dealing with problems in a cooperative manner. The committee meets regularly to discuss changes and make sure the World Trade Organization takes their opinions into account.

Should You Visit the Countries in the Group of 15?

There are plenty of opportunities to visit countries in the Group of 15, but it is always important for people to take safety into account. For example, Egypt, Jamaica, and Peru all have beautiful places to explore, but straying too far from the major cities could lead to significant safety risks. Furthermore, there are some countries that have a significant amount of political turmoil, including Kenya and Venezuela. Before visiting any of these countries, it is prudent to take a look at information that may have been published by the State Department. Always understand where to go in the event that you need help, and consider hiring a local guide who can help you figure out what areas to avoid.

Which countries are part of the G-15?

The Group of 15, or G15, currently has 17 member countries from the regions of Latin America, Asia, and Africa.

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