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Ice Cream Consumption (L)














Ice Cream Consumption by Country 2024

Ice cream became popular when refrigeration was commonplace and comes in a variety of forms, including frozen yogurt and sorbet. Ice cream consumption by country is measured in liters per person.

New Zealand tops the list of ice cream eaters at 28.40 liters per person. That's a little over 60 pints per person. The favored flavor of New Zealanders is vanilla, followed by something referred to as hokey pokey.

People in the United States consume about 20.80 liters of ice cream a year, which is the equivalent of over 5 gallons of ice cream per American. American ice cream makers produce over 870 million gallons to keep up with the demand.

Australia comes in third with an average of 18 liters of ice cream per person. During the summer, Australians tend to consume more ice cream, with an increase in demand for fruit-based desserts.

Finland is next on the ice cream eaters list, with 14.30 liters per Finnish citizen. Finland has short summers, but ice cream is their go-to cool-down option, and the preferred brand is Ben & Jerry's.

In Sweden, the average liter per person is 12.00, which equals 405 ounces of ice cream. Canadians eat around 10.60 liters of ice cream a year, while those in Denmark consume about 9.80 liters per person. Ice cream eaters in Ireland consume 8.40 liters of ice cream. That's nearly 18 pints of ice cream per person.

Italians may eat Italian ice but still enjoy about 8 liters of ice cream per person a year. And finally, those who consume ice cream in the United Kingdom eat 7 liters annually. Countries like China, Brazil, and India are seeing an increase in ice cream consumption, and the demand for new flavors and varieties is constant around the world.

Which country eats the most ice cream?

New Zealanders eat more ice cream than anyone else in the world, with 28.4 liters per person.

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