Ice Cream Varieties by Country 2025

Ice Cream Varieties
GermanySpaghettieisVanilla ice cream squeezed through a press so it resembles spaghetti, then topped with strawberry "pasta sauce" and white chocolate "parmesan".
IndiaKulfiDense ice cream with flavors including pistachio, mango, cardamom, and saffron, frozen in cone-shaped molds and eaten on a stick.
IndonesiaEs dogerCoconut-milk-based ice cream with flavors such as mango or durian and topped with fruit, honey, or condensed milk.
IsraelHalva ice creamIce cream made with fruit, honey, and nuts. Recipes date to the 13th century, though some believe its history extends back thousands of years.
ItalyGelatoDenser, richer, lower-fat variation of ice cream said to have been invented in the 1500s.
JapanKakigōriShaved ice sweetened condensed milk and flavored with syrup. Traces back to the 11th century.
MalaysiaAis kacangComposed of shaved ice, red beans (the name roughly translates to iced beans), jelly, and syrup. Condensed milk and ice cream, as well as nuts or fruits like mango and durian, can be added on top.
MexicoPaletasBar-shaped frozen treat on a stick that comes in two basic types: juice-based fruit flavors and milk-based flavors such as chocolate, coffee, coconut, and chongos zamoranos.
New ZealandHokey pokeyHoneycomb toffee-flavored ice cream that is among the most popular flavors in the country.
PhilippinesSorbetesMade with water buffalo milk, ice, and eggs. Flavors range from ube (yam) to cheddar cheese. May be eaten in a cone or sandwiched between slices of bread.
RussiaPlombirIce cream made with more condensed milk than most types, as well as sugar, which gives it high thickness and sweetness.
South KoreaJ-coneCorrectly titled Jipangyi, this treat is a slender corn shell in the shape of an upper-case J (or an inverted candy cane) and filled with ice cream.
SyriaBoozaDense ice cream whose ingredients include sahlab (orchid root) and mastic (resin), which give it a higher melting point. Called dondurma in Turkey.
ThailandI tim padKnown as rolled or stir-fried ice cream in the US, made by pouring sweet cream-based mixture over a frozen metal surface, then rolling it with a metal scraper. Offers a very wide variety of flavors.
TurkeyDondurmaDense ice cream whose ingredients include sahlab (orchid root) and mastic (resin), which give it a higher melting point. Called booza in Syria.
United StatesFrozen custardVariation on ice cream made with eggs, making it denser and creamier than dairy-only ice creams.
  • As ice cream is both a varied and a nearly ubiquitous dessert, compiling a list of every possible flavor of ice cream in any given country may well be logistically infeasible. In light of this fact, the table spotlights some of the more unique ice cream treats in each country.