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International Adoption Cost by Country 2024

For those looking to start a family of their own or grow an existing one, international adoption represents an incredible opportunity. It’s a commendable way to offer a child in need the chance at a stable, prosperous life. It helps diversify a family and add meaning to one’s life and choices, as well.

However, the costs associated with international adoption aren’t constant and can vary greatly from one country and situation to the next. Here’s a look at cost ranges worldwide, as well as some various factors that can influence those costs in one direction or another.

International Adoption Cost Ranges from Country to Country

The following are some examples of international adoption cost ranges as of 2023.

South Korea$32,000 - $38,000
Haiti$26,000 - $32,000
China$26,000 - $31,000
Uganda$24,000 - $30,000
Ukraine$23,000 - $32,000
Taiwan$22,000 - $27,000
India$21,000 - $25,000
Poland$20,000 - $27,000
Philippines$15,000 - $20,000
Thailand$15,000 - $20,000

These ranges can be further compared to the average cost range of domestic adoption, which can fall between $20,000 and $35,000. It’s also important to note that, in most cases, international adoption cost estimates do not include the cost of any related travel.

Factors That Can Influence International Adoption Costs

Many influences factor into the total costs of adopting internationally from country to country. The following are some key examples to know and consider.

Currency Exchange Rates

International currency exchange rates can fluctuate wildly for multiple reasons. If these fluctuations result in a drastic loss of currency value in the adoptive child’s country of origin, the adoptive parents will likely need to factor increased expenses into the mix.

Home Studies

Before prospective parents can be matched with a potential adoptive child, a thorough home study is required to determine their overall suitability. The costs involved in this process can be drastically different from one country to the next.

Grant Programs

In some cases, a country may offer financial incentives to make international adoption a more attractive option. Would-be parents who qualify for donor assistance, grants, or incentive programs could stand to save considerably on overall international adoption costs.

Some countries may also offer subsidies to potential adoptive parents, especially if they’re willing to adopt an older child or one with special needs.

Local Regulations

Some countries have lengthy adoption processes in place or requirements that are significantly stricter than those of other countries. In cases where such regulations add up to longer waits and processing times, greater accumulated costs can also add up.

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Cost (USD)
Bulgaria$22,000 - $29,000
China$26,000 - $31,000
Haiti$26,000 - $32,000
India$21,000 - $25,000
Latvia$23,000 - $30,000
Philippines$15,000 - $20,000
Poland$20,000 - $27,000
South Korea$32,000 - $38,000
Taiwan$22,000 - $27,000
Thailand$15,000 - $20,000
Uganda$24,000 - $30,000
Ukraine$23,000 - $32,000

What is the cheapest country to adopt from internationally?

The cost of adoption in Ukraine is more affordable than in other countries. However, as of April 2024, international adoptions from Ukraine were almost entirely on hold for non-relatives due to the country's ongoing war with Russia.

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